Chapter 9: Confession

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{Oumas POV}

I was laying on my bed texting Saihara while my cat Moonlit was curled up next to me.

Shu 💙
'I'm really bored. Do you wanna meet up at the park? :) ❤️'

'Sure 💛 when should we meet up?'

Shu 💙

'Lmao okay can't wait to see yooou'

Shu 💙
'Me too ❤️❤️❤️'

I closed my phone, stood up, and made my way to the door when someone or more like somecat wrapped around my leg. I looked down and signed to my cat.
'You know you can't go with me. I'm not even allowed to have you' Moonlit obviously oblivious didn't understand me. I picked her up and smiled. I thought to myself 'okay fine you can come with me Moonlit' I opened the door and made my way to the park.

{Saihara's POV}

I just got to the park where I was waiting on Ouma. I have finally decided today's the day...I confess to him. I get this feeling off my chest. The burning feeling of being in love for him is what I'll tell him. I just have to wait for the right moment. But I'll trust myself when I say. Today's the day. I will not wait any longer.

I saw Ouma walking over to me and rushed over to him.

"Hey Ouma-Kun!" He waved at me. We went into a hug, to only break from it shortly.

"Let's go on a walk shall we?" I asked as he nodded his head. We slowly walked the path in front of us. I told myself I have to tell him! Tell him, I have to tell him... Ouma looked over to me and signed 'you okay?'

"Ah, yes uhm Ouma-Kun...there's something I have to tell you... something," I fiddled my hands. He looked at me worried. 'What is it?' He signed. I mumbled.

"I love you..." he looked at me confused. 'Couldn't hear you' he signed. I stopped us from walking. I held both his hands and looked into his eyes.

"Ouma-Kun, I love you so much, like, I want you to be my boyfriend. Please will you date me Kokichi Ouma," he blushed harshly and nodded his head. He smiled widely and I did the same.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. We held the kiss for a long while. When Ouma broke it. We went into a hug.

"I love you so much,"

"...t...o.." he mumbled. I broke from the hug to look at him with a happy glare.

"AAAA YOUR VOICE IS SO CUTE!! AA!!" I kiss his cheek. "I love you, I love you!!!" He got overly flustered and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. This was the best day ever.

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