Chapter 2: after school cuddles

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Ah, now it's time to go to Saihara's house. I'm excited for something for once in my life. I ring the doorbell on the light blue house. It's really pretty. The door opens and it's Saihara. I wave and he waves back. He signals I can come inside so I do. I take off my shoes and follow him to where I think the living room is. He sat down behind the coffee table I followed.

"So, what planet are we going to do for the project?" He asked. What are we doing? I wasn't paying attention too much in class. I gave him a confused look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked. I wrote in my notebook to him 'I wasn't paying attention...' he sighed and said.

"What we are doing is a project on planets. We have to pick one and give a presentation on it," I froze. How the fuck will I quote on quote present if I can't and will never speak. I haven't said a word since I was 12, I am 16 now. 'You'll do all the talking right? If u don't I'll kill you' I jokingly wrote.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't think you're strong enough to kill me though," he chuckled I wrote 'wanna test me'

"No! I wouldn't want to be killed by a grape!" I gave him an angry face. 'Let's start this before I fall asleep!' I wrote.

"Ok, ok, what planet should we do?" He asked again. I opened my laptop and searched up Saturn, my favorite planet. I showed the screen to him and he said,

"Sounds good!" We talked about what shared parts we'd do and started to get to work. I started to feel sleepy. Really sleepy.

{Shuichi's POV}

I was working on the look of the presentation and the facts and whatever. Then I felt something hit my shoulder. I looked over and Ouma passed out asleep on me. I sighed and tried to shake him awake.

"Ouma-Kun! Ouma-Kun! Ouma-Kun wake up!" I did this a lot more but gave in when he just started to clutch to my arm. I just realized his eye bags were big and dark purple, almost darker than his hair. It looked as if he hadn't slept in years. If that's the case I don't want to bother him, plus he looks really cute. I just won't work on too much so it isn't all just me doing this.

{Time quickly passes}

I looked over at Ouma who was now resting his head on my chest now clutching onto my other arm like if he were to let go he'd fall into death's arms. I really didn't mind. He looked like a baby kitten when he slept. Is that weird? I hope not. I realized the time was 6:15 pm. Where did the time go? I nudged him more and went,

"Ouma-Kun! If you don't wake up I will—" he shot his head up and his eyes wide open shaking a bit. He definitely looked like a little kitten.

"I'm kidding Ouma-Kun, I won't do anything to you, I just wanted you to wake up just in case you need to get home or something," he had that 'oooh' face you make when you realize something.

"I just don't want your parents to be worried if they're strict," he just shook his head no. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. He reached for his notebook and wrote. 'They don't care, I promise' he rested his head back on my chest. I don't think he even realized he was on me.

"Um Ouma-Kun?" He looked at me and jolted upwards embarrassed, making the sorry sign.

"It's fine, I wasn't bothered by it," yet still he made that sign.

"I was wondering about your parents..." I trailed off. He wrote 'I could be gone for two days and they wouldn't notice. Actually more of a week'

"O-Ouma..." I honestly didn't know what to say. He rubbed me as the kind of person who has told people this only for them not to care. He wrote again, 'I said it's fine Saihara-Kun, now stop worrying!' I sighed and patted his head.

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