Chapter 7: Party

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(Ouma's POV)

Today's the day school finally ended! Now I can spend more time with Saihara—as friends right haha... I wonder what Saihara will be doing... Speaking of which, I've been waiting outside the school for 15 minutes. Where is he...? Then in the nick of time he ran to me.

"S-Sorry for being late Ouma-Kun!" I smiled and signed 'it's fine'

"Ah I'm so glad the school year's over," he sighed with relief. 'You can say that again' I signed

"What...?" He looked at me confused. I wrote in my notebook 'sorry Saihara-Kun...'

"It's fine," he patted my head. "oh! By the way, I'm holding an end of the year party with some friends of mine. Would you like to come," oh god...the word party made my stomach churn. I didn't want to be rude and deny the offer, but...
'Sure! Just let me stay over' im praying to My Melody that I will not regret this.

"Woo! I'm so excited!" He celebrated and hugged me tightly. I smiled. He let go of the hug. "Hehe sorry about that," i wrote 'it's fine'

"Okay so the party starts at 18, it'll probably last til midnight or later okay?" He informed me. I nodded my head. "I can't wait!"

{Time passes, it is currently 17:30pm}

Saiharas having a party...I looked at myself in my dirty mirror. I really really wanna impress him but...I'm so stupid. He'd make fun of me for wearing makeup...but he isn't the type to...ugh! Why do I care what he thinks! What's happening to meee!? I'll just—fuck I'll just pick out an outfit first.

I put on a blink-182 shirt, black jeans, a choker and fishnet gloves. To be honest I'm really burnt out... anyways i went back to my dirty mirror with cat stickers and marker marks on it. Should I add something to the mirror? Not right now...what if I can't handle the party...would he think I'm childish for having a stuffed animal as a stressed relivor— THERE I GO AGAIN! UGH! WHY DO I CARE?! I'll just...hide my duck plush in my bag I guess...bye for now Quakers. Now I'm back to my original thought...wearing make up...should I—fuck it—

I applied a dark purple eye shadow to my eyes, used black eyeliner to make a cat eye look, then put on some blush and lip gloss. Will he make fun of—ugh go away pesky thoughts. What time is it now?  I turned to my alarm clock. 17:45?! Time really does fly huh...maybe I will add something to the mirror.

I grabbed a sharpie marker and wrote 'skeezer slut' okay now it's time to go. I left my room in a rush and wrote on a sticky note 'at Saiharas' and put it on the broken-down refrigerator. No one was home anyways...and no one would notice but still...I left my house and walked to Saihara's house.

Once I got there it was about 18:05 I hesitantly rang the doorbell. Maybe I shouldn't have come. Maybe I should've stayed home. Maybe— I broke out of my thoughts when Saihara opened the door.

"Hey Ouma-Kun! I'm glad you could come," he smiled. His smile made me melt inside all my anxiety lifted. I smiled back. "Come in come in," I walked into his house.

"Are you wearing makeup?" He asked. Oh no he hates it doesn't he... I nodded my head "you look so pretty! Well you always look pretty but still!" I felt blush crept onto my face but it was unnoticeable. 'Thank you' I signed. He guided me over to where some people were and took my bag.

"You remember Akamatsu-San and Melanie right?" He asked and I nodded and waved at them. They both came over, Melanie grabbed my hands and said.

"Oh my god! You look amazing!!" E complimented. 'Thank you' I signed. Keade then signed to me 'you do look very beautiful, are you trying to impress someone' I signed 'Saihara' she signed 'guessed it, do you want me to set you two up?' I signed 'I not yet' she signed 'you want my phone number?'

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