Chapter 6: Happy Birthday kokichi ouma

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{two mounts have passed and it's a day before Kokichi's birthday, luckily it was a Friday}


I was walking to school with Saihara, he's been such a great friend, and my love burned for him as seconds passed. It hurts that he most likely will never and could never love me. Sadly it's going to be my birthday tomorrow hurray, even worse my homeroom teacher likes to tell everyone else's birthdays. That'll be so fun.

"Ouma-Kun, are you listening?" Saihara asked, waving his hand in my face. I nodded, you know what's another thing I loved about him. That he learned sign language just for me. Sure he was still learning but still, he did so much just for me. It sent my heart into the afterlife. Once we got into the homeroom, the teacher hadn't shown up. If I were lucky she wouldn't be here in the next 15 mins and we'd be able to go. Saihara and I started to talk.

"One day I have to style your hair, it's so cute!" Saihara said a little too loudly. I was in the middle of signing 'Keep it down!' But the fangirls ran over.

"You should style my hair, Saihara-San! It's so much softer than that disgrace," one spat at me.

"No, my hair is way cuter! Style mine Saihara-San!" Comments as such kept being said. Some of them were anger targeted towards me, not like it's new or anything. At one point Saihara was done with their bs.

"Thanks but I really like Ouma-Kun's, it's very pretty," he said stroking my hair. My face turned red, he's doing that shit on purpose. Not like I care, it does give me some hope but not much...

The teacher came into the class after 10 minutes, lucky me and she had this look...oh shit. I don't know why or how but she loves telling other students when it's other students' birthdays. Maybe she thinks that it's an opportunity for...something?

"Class, today it is someone's birthday!" she said from the time it was last September till now I've never, never understood why she did that. "It's Ouma--" I just zoned out, I could give less of a shit. Plus no one cared, they seemed bothered. Yeah sorry, my parents aren't 'cool' like everyone else and bring cake or shit. Ugh, I hate people so much. When she finished, Saihara turned to me.

"I didn't know it was your birthday!" he whispered. I looked at him with dread and wrote in his notebook. 'It doesn't matter, so shush!' yeah I wasn't good at hiding that I was pressed when it came to Saihara, well I only feel emotions around Saihara so...

"What's wrong?" he asked with those worried eyes. His gray soothing eyes... 'nothing' I signed

'I don't believe you' he sighed back, thanking My Melody that it was time to leave. Although I know how Saihara gets when he gets worried about me since... He knows about...home, people at school and stuff... I was casually walking to mathematics when I got shoved. I flinched my eyes close, but I was in the dark the second they were open. I moved around and there was barely any moving space, shit, shit! I was in something cramped. I don't care what it is but I want to be let out! I wanted to scream but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I started to bang on the metal door or wall in front of me but I was too flimsy. Someone hear me, please.

{Shuichi's POV}

Now that history is over I know where Ouma's class is. I have to find him and ask him what's wrong. I need to make sure that neither his father, mother nor bullies are hurting him. Or if anyone is hurting him. I went to where his mathematics is but I heard a banging noise. Curiosity got the best of me and the noise came from a locker. I picked the lock and out came Ouma who fell on top of me.

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