Chapter 3: you owe me

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I didn't sleep at all last night. Nothing abnormal but still. I slowly snuck out of the bed not making a sound. Thanks, Maria and Tim, my foster parents. I went downstairs but I kind of just... stood around. I don't know anything about his house or if he has something to drink. That would help get the throw-up from the cookie out of my mouth. Oh wait, there's sink water. When's the last time I had water? Eh, like I care. Since I had no idea where the cups were I used my hands to make a cup-like shape and drank the tap water. I didn't see Saihara sneak up behind me.

"O-Ouma-Kun?" He muttered. I jerked my head forward and my body backward. I almost fell into the sink but Saihara saved me. Not like I needed help he just did.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he yawned. I just said sorry with my hands. I don't have anything to write with or on.

"What are you doing up this late?" He asked with a tired tone. I panicked and looked for my notebook or something. I found some computer paper on a desk with a pencil and wrote. 'I could ask you the same Saihara-Kun'

"You woke me up, now tell me why you are up," he yawned again. What do I tell him, there's nothing much to say I guess? 'I have insomnia dumbhara-Kun' I wrote.

"No need to be mean kitty cat," he scolded as he stroked my hair. I blushed a bit but hid it. What the hell Saiahra!? Why do you have to be so ugh! 'Don't call me that!' I wrote, secretly liking the name.

"You called me dumbhara, I call you kitty cat," he continued to stroke my hair. I think he's too sleepy to notice anything.

"Let's go back to sleep," he said. I shook my head no, but he just picked me up and dropped me on the bed notebook and pencil still in hand. I wrote 'I'll just leave again' he shook his head no and grasped my waist pulling me into his chest.

"You're not going anywhere," was this man sleep-walking? He held me tighter. I didn't know to give in or just stay put. My arms did the thinking for me and hugged him. I want to be struck by lightning at the fear he would be upset with me once he woke up. But a boy can dream.

{It's morning an hour before school should start}

I had a sleepless night however it was more calming than I imagined. A part of me said it was because Saihara held me tightly to him like a stuffed animal. That made last night almost blissful, but, I doubt whatever he's made me feel is a feeling. I could feel like he was about to wake up, so I faked my sleep just to mess with him. I softened every muscle in my body and gently closed my eyes. I could feel him waking up.

{Saihara's POV}


I woke up and felt something, more of someone on me. I looked downwards and saw Ouma snuggling into me and my arms tightly wrapped around him. I blushed from embarrassment. Or maybe not just embarrassment. He did look adorable when he slept. He looked so peaceful. I just want to crush him with a hug. I pulled him closer to me and whispered.

"You're so cute Kokichi," I am praying to My Melody that he is asleep.

{Ouma POV}

"You're so cute Kokichi," I AM DYING! AJAHJAMANAJANS MY MIND IS SO BLURRY. I think I'm falling for this emo man! Aahhh

{Time skip; 3:15 school has ended}

I was sitting against a wall in the hallway. I got beat up again. There were harsh and dark bruises decorated on my face and some had blood leaking. My nose was gushing with blood and my stomach weakened. Tears were pricking my face but I didn't feel a thing. I didn't feel any anger, pain, sorrow, happiness, or hurt whilst it happened. I felt nothing as usual. I just lay against the wall. I don't want anything right now. I know no one is here, the teachers are busy till 5. I'll just leave around then, but for now, I'll just lay here feeling emotionless. I heard someone around the corner. The voice was familiar, it scratched the wrong sides of my brain. That person I heard came around to where I was, unluckily because that person was Saihara. He saw me. His face went from cool, normal, and relaxed to scared, worried, and troubled. He rushed towards me.

"Ouma-Kun!? Are you ok? I will help you," He worried. I shook my head no, not wanting to be a bother.

"That wasn't a question Ouma-Kun, let's go to my house and fix you up," he said, picking me up. When we got to his house he got some medical supplies. No matter how much I begged or whined in my writing he just wouldn't listen. 'Ever heard of you can't help people who don't want help' I wrote he sighed grasping a wet peroxide wipe. He hovered the while over my bleeding bruises.

"This is going to sting, ok?" Yeah, no fucking duh. I don't want to be mean to him, it's just kind of frustrating you know? Hell maybe I do need help but, it's just, so sickening. He starts to bandage everything up.

"How did you get hurt like this..?" He softly asks. 'I tripped lol' I wrote. He stared at me in disbelief.

"Ouma-Kun, I'm being serious, I don't want you to get hurt if anyone is hurting you in any way shape or form it's my job as your friend to make sure they don't hurt you. I can't help anything stop if you don't tell me what's wrong. I love you as my dearest friend and I don't want my friends to get hurt," I don't know why but it did make me feel better, just a bit. Pink tint creeped over my cheeks just a little.

'Fine I'll tell you, it was...someone who kind of hurt me, they've been doing it for a while so...' I don't want Saihara dealing with any of my problems. He doesn't need that for him. He hugged me.

"I'm sorry about that Ouma-Kun, is there anything I can do?" I was originally going to say no, then I remembered about Hanami! It's coming up! (A/n: Hanami is the festival of the Cherry Blossoms. Look it up, it's really nice) I wrote.

'We could do Hanami together!' He smiled and said.

"That would be fun! You wouldn't mind if I brought a friend from my old school," I shook my head no, I don't care. I just can't wait to be with him.

Unspoken Symphony Saiouma (Mute Kokichi x Shuichi) Where stories live. Discover now