Chapter 4: Hanami

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{The day of the festival}
I got ready earlier than usual. Maybe it was because I was excited, which would be weird but still. I was thinking of wearing my contacts but those are a pain in the ass. I just grabbed my circular glasses and put them on. (For reference he wore this: 

 thanks, father figure) I had to tell  |\/|4:'!4 and $2/2|< ! I was leaving

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thanks, father figure)
I had to tell  |\/|4:'!4 and $2/2|< ! I was leaving. Not like they would care. I walked downstairs and went to the living room where they were. 
I wrote a note to them and handed it to them it said 'I am going to Hanami with Saihara-kun'  |\/|4r14 looked at it and said.

"Jesus why can't you just talk? It would be so much better doing...this is fucking annoying," I apologize with sign language.

"You know I don't know what that means, get out of my sight" she scoffed I left somewhat ready eyed. I didn't care, it's just. I want her love. I don't know why but I...I'm not going to dwell on it, especially not around Saihara. I waited outside for him. I heard his voice, his sweet voice. I saw him with two other people, one of them had blonde hair with white hair clips, pink sweater with a light brown skirt. The other person had this strawberry pink hair that look very fluff, they wore somewhat revealing clothing but it looked pretty. Shuichi was wearing something emo, but it looked good on him, really good.
(Outfit reference
Blonde haired;

 (Outfit reference Blonde haired;

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Strawberry pink haired:

 Strawberry pink haired:

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Emo boi Saihara:

) I walked over to Saihara and slightly crinkled my notebook

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I walked over to Saihara and slightly crinkled my notebook. I haven't been with this many people. It's kinda scary.
"Hey Ouma-Kun, these are my friends from my old school. The blonde haired one is Keade," Keade smiled and put her hand out.

"Nice to meet 'cha you look really nice!" I lightly shook her hand. I wanted to hunde behind Saihara not that I was scared of Keade, just scared of interaction in general.

"Then this is Melanie, e is kinda acts like an ass but e doesn't mean a thing," he said. Melanie hugged me tightly.
"Oh my fucking god! Your so ADORABLE! You look like a grape! Aaahhh!!!" Lots of energy there. Shuichi made Melanie put me down.

"Don't be up in his face Mel," e looked at us with a smirking face.

"Sorry to touch your boyfriend yandere," me and Saihara both blushed. I mean as somewhat offended as I am I wouldn't mind being Saihara's—- no imma stop.

"Shut up Mel, you have no room to talk," e ruffled saiharas hair.

"I'm sorry step-cos, I just love playing matchmaker!" What. I am confused.

"We aren't related—" Saihara started.

"Yeah cuz we're step cousins dumbhara, anyways let's go!" E led the way talking about something. I looked at Saihara and wrote 'you look really nice' he smiled.

"You look super cute! Like a cat!" I growled 'I am not a cat!' I angrily wrote.

"Yes you are! It's because you're really cute, very sleepy, you like physical affection and you can get angry but still look adorable," I turned my head for it looked like a tomato. 'Your so stupid' I wrote hiding my face. I could feel his frown. He moved the notebook out of my face. He held my chin so I looked into his eyes. Oh his eyes were hypnotizing.

"Don't hide your face, it's really beautiful," I blushed lightly.

"Come on love birds! We are here!" I looked around and wow it's so beautiful.

 Keade laid out our picnic blanket down and we sat on it

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Keade laid out our picnic blanket down and we sat on it. Everyone got their food except me. I just didn't feel like throwing up today...I'm too exhausted.

"You're not going to eat?" Keade asked and I shook my head. I just grabbed some dragon fruit  Fanta (best flavor) and stared to drink it.

"Is that the only thing you drink?" Saihara joked. I wrote 'I like peach tea too but Fanta is better'

"Yes! Peach tea is amazing! I have an extra if u want it,"Melanie said  I nodded my head as they threw the peach tea bottle towards me. I quickly grasped it in time before the glass could've shattered.

"You should be careful Melly or your gonna hurt Saihara's boyfriend!" Keade teased. They need to stop making that joke or I am going to die of being flustered.

"Don't call me Melly! Only Mimi and Yuri can call me that," Melanie scoffed, crossing eir arms. I stared to talking with Saiharas friends. Well I wasn't talking I just wrote stuff down and they talked. They were really nice people.

{Saiharas POV}

Ouma got along well with my friends. I was happy for him, especially since he was nervous at first. But I still got a little jealous. I know I made the suggestion to bring my closet friends but I kinda just wanted him all to myself. In a fit of jealousy I hugged his waist, brought him closer to me and whispered.

"Mine," I blushed.

"AHA 50$ KEADE!" Melanie yelled as Keade slowly gave em 50$. "Told ya they were dating!" I wrote to them. 'We aren't dating!' I turned my head flustered but I accidentally put it in shuichis chest.

"Are you sure? You look like your enjoying that hug a little to much," Keade snickered.

"Ok Kea I love ya but he could be touch starved. So ha!" Melanie replied. Wait  how did e know. But actually I mainly like this hug cuz...cuz I haven't had a hug in a while yeah. That's it no love. Sadly no love...right?

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