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| one ; three years ago |

h a n n a h

I took a bite from the cookie the flight attendant gave me awhile ago as I looked out of the plane window. This was it. I'm finally going to LA to study college, for free. Yes, I earned a scholarship all because I was my school's valedictorian.

"Hannah? Are you okay?" I faced Dylan, my brother, who looked awfully worried.

"How many times do you need to ask? I'm fine." I snapped back and rolled my eyes.

"I'm just checking on you. You're my little sis and I'm just looking out for you. Look, I'm sorry for your breakup with Matthew and-"

"Please don't mention his name again, and I'm sorry for being rude. I just hate hearing other people apologize for things they didn't even do. I just, I don't need anybody's sympathy right now." I admitted. It wasn't his or anyone else's fault. It was actually my fault for being stupid and for thinking that someone would actually like me.

"Okay, I understand. I'll leave you first to clear your mind then." He smiled and I nodded.

"Good to know that you won't be bothering me anytime soon again, Dyl-dyl." I said, teasing him.

"Oi! I told you to stop calling me that!" My brother frowned and laughed afterwards.

"Sir, Mam, please keep quiet. Other passengers are sleeping." A flight attendant approached us.

"Sorry." We said in unison as she left.

"Damn." I whispered.

"Watch your language." I rolled my eye at his statement.

"Jeez, you act like my dad or something." He just shrugged and I faced the opposite side.

My ex used me to get closer to my friend, Sarah. I trusted her and I trusted him.

I felt my eyes getting warmer, which was a sign that tears could escape from my eyes anytime now. I just want to forget everything-everything that had to do with those two.

My friends back in UK... I wonder how they'll live their lives without me. Actually, would they even care? Maybe they would, maybe they won't.

But then again, maybe they do care. Their faces in the airport made me feel guilty. It was like leaving everything behind. They were all crying, except for Brad. He was looking at his shoes the whole time, not even uttering a word while the others were sobbing loudly, saying their goodbyes. Well, Brad and I did hug for approximately ten seconds? Though I wish it lasted longer.

Others seemed many, but when I say others, I only mean four. I had four trustworthy friends plus Brad. Four friends who never left my side no matter how cranky or sarcastic I get.

Pia, she was my only girl friend, now at least. I met her when I was a freshman since we had the same classes. She was smart too, actually she was the salutatorian, meaning her grades were almost as high as mine. We always hung out and studied together. We know every single bit of each other and every single secret we had. I remember that we promised each other in our sophomore year, that we would go to the same college when we graduate but that didn't work out. She earned a scholarship in the same university I'm going to but she declined since she couldn't leave her mum with her illness and all. We're still going to chat or Skype every other day though since it was impossible for us to stop communicating.

I met James, Connor, Tristan, and Bradley on one of my brother's concert. They're in a band called The Vamps, though they're not known much, I'm sure they'll be a big hit soon. I'm not gonna deny, they look good but behind those good looks, they're just idiots. Idiots who I love so much.

With the six of us together, nothing's impossible really. I get along with all of them in different ways. Take James for example, when it comes to fitness, we'd just call each other.

Tristan's more of a pranker. We'd love to see the looks on people's faces when they fall for our genius pranks. Especially Pia, April 1st is her worst day. Tristan makes that day a living hell for her.

Connor's really quiet though we get along in music. We practically have the same taste in music. We usually play music together and help each other improve in playing instruments.

Brad was basically my supporter. My backbone, my shield. He helps me with all my problems and makes me feel better. When Pia was busy, he'd always be available.

He'd never ask for anything in return, even when black circles were formed under his eyes the next morning, all because I kept him up late, ranting about all my problems.

He'd always keep a smile on his face every time I see him. He never complained even if I snap back at him. He'd just try to comfort me again.

He was special.

He was like my brother.

And I swear, I will see you again, Bradley Will Simpson.


And with the thought of him, I drifted to sleep, leaning against the plane window.

sorry if the first chapter's v short. it's my first time writing a story which is why my plot is v cliché and v stupid.

i hope that some of you will like my story tho lol :)

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