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| two ; meeting |

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"Bradley Will Simpson! Get your lazy ass of your bed now!"

I slowly opened my eyes and squinted them a bit due to the brightness of my room. I saw Tristan in front of me, with an annoyed look on his face. I grabbed my phone to check the time. 5:57 it read.

"Tris, it's like 6 am! What are you doing here?!" I groaned in annoyance.

"Bloody Hell, Brad! I can't believe you would forget something like this! Tour starts today, remember?" He said impatiently. Oh yeah, our U.S. tour starts today.

"Give me 5 more minutes, and then I promise get up." I said, putting my duvet over my face, closing my eyes. I heard Tris groan and he threw the duvet off my body.

"No, because do I need to remind you that you haven't packed your clothes yet? I asked Anne for your luggage and it was empty. See? I needed to wake your mum up too now get up." He said seriously. I rolled my eyes and finally got off my soft, and comfy bed.

After packing, we headed straight to the airport. As we passed security and other airport shit, we finally arrived at the waiting area. Joe, Dean, Connor, and James were there waiting for our flight.

Joe was the first to notice us and he handed me a sandwich. "What took you two so long?" Tristan just glared at me and I sat between James and Con.

Connor was just playing a game in his new phone while James was attempting to sleep. I sighed before pulling out my iPhone and earphones from my backpack, and played Arctic Monkeys' album. After finishing the sandwich, I threw the tissue and plastic away and sat down again. I closed my eyes, attempting to sleep. The reason why I had forgotten about tour and why I was so sleepy is because of Hannah.

I stayed up late talking to her. It's also been awhile since I've last spoke to her. She's been very busy with her studies and her career. Yes, she's a worldwide famous singer/songwriter who is much more famous than our band. The boys and I are actually, sort of fans of her. We've done covers of two or three of her songs a few months ago.

How did she become famous? In one of her brother's concerts, there was a problem with the audio and coincidentally, she was there backstage. She was asked to play some of her brothers songs in different instruments, along with other people. She knew how to play instruments, unlike her brother, he doesn't know how to play any instruments. Eventually, she got discovered and she was offered a record deal. I mean, she has a beautiful voice and she's extremely talented as well so she deserves it.

I wanna see her in LA since we're going there but I doubt that I will. It's our first stop but we're very busy, and I don't even know where she lives.

I almost fell asleep but someone nudged me lightly. I opened my eyes to see Connor. I shoved my earphones and phone back to my bag as I stood up and followed him, boarding the plane.

After a very long flight, we finally arrived.

"Hello USA!" Tristan yelled, receiving glared from other people. Connor moved away from Tris, clearly embarassed by his actions.

"He seriously acts like a 7-year old." I said.

"Oh, and you don't?" James said mockingly and I rolled my eyes.

We got our luggages and Joe asked us who's staying with who. I grabbed this opportunity to avenge myself from James' teasing.

"I'm staying with Con, and that's final." I sticked out my tongue playfully, grabbed Connor's hand, and ran towards the nearest souvenir shop. Luckily, we had no fans waiting for us in the airport so we could move freely.

"Brad! No! You know Tris is the messiest!" I heard James say from the distance.

At the third souvenir shop, James and Tristan finally found us. They were panting and sweating. "We... finally.. found you.. two." James said, trying to catch his breath.

"Anyways," Tristan began, breathing normally again. "What time do we need to get to the hotel?"

"4:30 pm, sharp." James replied.

"So we have about two hours to explore Los Angeles. Where do we go?" Connor asked.

"Let's get some pizza. We haven't eaten lunch yet so.." I suggested and they all nodded.

"But we don't know where to eat."

"Which is why we have Google in our phones." I pointed out, rolling my eyes.

After buying a few clothes and some beanies, eating pizza, and also getting chased by some fans and asking for a picture with us, we went back to the hotel and knocked to Joe & Dean's room to get our hotel cards. He said that we had an interview in an hour so we had to get ready and change our clothes or at least only our shirts.

I changed into a plain black shirt, wore one of my hats and wore my shades since the sun was out shining even at this time. I didn't bother changing in the bathroom since everyone in the band has seen me naked and same went for all of us, except for Connor. We haven't seen him naked so maybe, just maybe, he might be a girl? Nah, just kidding.

After getting changed, Tris and James barged in the our room as always. We don't really lock our hotel rooms because we usually visit each other's rooms. (Which is also why some fans walked into James' hotel room in the past while he was shirtless. Damn.)

"Time to go guys." And as if Connor heard Tris say that, (I think he did though) he walked out of the bathroom.

The car ride was silent but not the awkward kind. We were quite tired of this day. We all woke up early and didn't get enough time to rest. We were on our way to to some building where there are full of different sets filled with different artists too so we might get a chance to see some singers/models.

We were now at the third floor, where we were going to have our interview. The set was prepared and so were the cameras.

"Okay lads, time to put up your smiley faces. I know you're all tired but we have to do this. Just be your normal selves. We'll get time to rest later."

"Aye, Joe!" We all said in unison.

"Finally, we're done!" I exclaimed. I just want to go back to our hotel room, right this instant, but no, that's not happening any time soon. Mr. Jones, the owner of this building, or company, or whatever, offered to show us around in this building. He said that maybe we could meet our idol or something. We didn't want to be rude so we just accepted, even if we were so damn tired.

We got out of the elevator and we were at the fifth floor. We saw a girl, about our age with dirty blonde hair. She looked slightly familiar but I'm not so sure. We couldn't get a proper view of her face since she was facing the opposite direction.

Mr. Jones called out her name and my heart stopped.

"Hannah! How's the photo shoot going?" He asked.

She turned to face him with a smile. "It's all good, Mr. Jones." As soon as she saw us, her jaw dropped and same went for the boys and I. Silence filled the room and everything went awkward. We were all in shock.

It's her. It really is her.

omg hannah (my internet friend) had just found out that she was part of this story (7:30 am here to be exact) and im dying of laughter.

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