Chapter 5

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I wake up on a cold floor that's weird I thought when people and kidnapped they are tied up.I'am glad I'am not though.I look around the room it's gray walls go along will the black floor and peeling corners and a pile of chipped paint.

The room is big then I take a glance over at the corner it's a door.I get up but feel so dizzy I touch the back of my head it hurts.I walk up to the door and try to open it it's unlocked.As I open it I realize that it is not a door out its a door to a duplicate room as the one before I look around I get paralyzed its Jake I bolt over till I'am siting across from him.he looks into my eyes and I look into his he has a black eye and a bruised cheek.

"Are you ok" I say I can feel a tear run down my face.

"I'am fine as long as I'am here he won't touch you"jake states.I'am kinda glad he is here I don't like that the guy hurt him but I'am glad I'am not alone.I feel so bad.How could anyone do this to a person kidnap them then beat up there friend and kidnap them to.

"Are you ok"Jake says

"Yes"I say.All of a sudden I hear the door open a little and shut fast I jump.

"Calm down it's just food"he walks over to pick up the food.he brings it back it's half of a sandwich.Jake walks to the room I woke up in and says"looks like we have to share it" I am starving.Jake splits it in half an gives me the bigger piece."Thanks"i say devouring the sandwich it has baloney mustard and cheese.The sandwich tastes like he put anything in his kitchen and plopped it in the sandwich with whole wheat bread.

I shouldn't expect anything good from the guy who kidnapped me and my friend.I sit crisscross from Jake and lean over to him and whisper "we need a way out" . He gets up and starts looking around the room which is not much to look at because all it has in it is a bookshelf full of books and a cheep bed.I walk over to the bookshelf pull a book out and flip through the pages. Dust comes fly out like witches on brooms.I try to hold back a cough but I can't.

"Are you ok"Jake says I nod and keep looking through the book until I get to one of the last pages it has a piece of old yellowish folded paper that says 'open me'.I open it and inside it says 'open your eyes and you shall find much more.' I call Jake over.He reads it then starts taking all the books down I pull back on his shoulder and he faces me he has determine in his eyes.

"What are you doing" I say still unsure what he is doing.

"We need to check all the books to see for more notes"Jake says finally after a long all makes sense now,i need to help him.I start flipping through books nothing in most books but then I hear Jake jump up eyes wide open and he touches my shoulder and tells me he found another note that said 'open me' we open it it says 'I'am not only here' great what does that mean.Jake groans and I see a stream of blood flow down his face and move past his perfect cheeks.

"Are you ok" I run over to Jake and he falls on me he doesn't way a lot but is still heavy or I'am just very weak I place him on the floor and i run to the run I woke up in and pull the blanket off the bed it's rough but it's the best I can find I run over and carefully wipe the blood that is flowing from Jake's head. "Wake up,wake up!" Jake isn't answering. I my hand on his chest where his heart would be I feel a heart beat that means he is alive.

I run my hand through jake's hair to find the wound that is bleeding out.I quickly find it and wrap the blanket on it and put pressure to stop the bleeding. I try to carry him to the bed it is like mission impossible but I end up getting him on the bed.Now that I have the wound covered up.I sit on the bed leaning against the wall.when will he wake up? Now that Jake is passed out I feel scared and I start to shiver.

All of a sudden a hear the door start to open I look over so frightened,And my kidnapper comes to me and pulls me off
the bed and out the door.No no no why isn't Jake awake please Jake wake up.

The kidnapper tells me his plan.We will be released when the old man Coral was talking about dies which means we can't heal him.the kidnapper has a mask on and I could tell the kidnapper has a voice modifier.Once I get back to the room Jake isn't awake yet which is odd because we were in the other room for a while.

I sit on the bed the same way I was last time and look at Jake sleeping.he looks so peaceful sleeping. Then he bolts up and stares me in the eyes.

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