Thirty Four

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   She looks....

   I wish I could lie to myself.

   I couldn't take my eyes off of her, no one in the room could. She was mesmerizing.

   Christian had taken her to dance. Something stirred in my stomach when he did. I should have been the first to ask her, she was to be my wife after all.

   But I hated her. So why did I feel this way?

   Maybe it's because I'm nervous he will fall into her trap. Her beautiful alluring trap that if you take just one tiny step to it, she's already got you.

   Why did I want to punch my best friend in the face while he danced with her? While he twirled her, while he whispered in her ear. Why was I jealous of my own friend? My blood boiled seeing her laugh as he whispered something else.

   He made her laugh. He always made her laugh, so easily too. I always wanted to be the cause of it, her laugh. I believed heaven was a room filled with her laughter. It was mesmerizing, she was. I hated her for it.

   She was to be my wife, my friend. There was no way my best friend would like her. No way she would like him. Doubts went trough my head while I noticed her cheeks blush. What was he saying to her?

   "Jealous is a good look on you." An amused voice sounds from my left. Gwen, I had been too distracted to even notice her walk up. Had she been there the whole time?

   "I'm not jealous." I say looking away from the dancing pair to the red haired girl next to me.

   "You look good when you're jealous." She smirks, "I think Arden agrees, maybe that's why she keeps looking over here."

   My eyes snap in her direction, her eyes  weren't on me. They were on Christian. "She hasn't looked at me at all since we arrived."

   "Maybe she's just better at hiding it than you."

   I look at her again. Her head was tilted to the side, a smile on her face. She always did that when she laughed, her head would always tilt to the side slightly and back.

   "She looks..." My words die from my mouth.

   "Beautiful." Gwen answers, looking at her as well. Yes, but that wasn't what I was going to say.

   "Happy, she looks happy." Gwen turns and looks at me, a sad smile on her face. "Do you think he could make her happy?" I ask, "I mean, forever. Do you think they could be happy together?" My heart clenched at the question.

   Gwen sighs looking at the two once again. Arden laughs again, this being her fifth laugh. He had a satisfied look on his face. "Maybe," the possibility hurt, more than I thought it would. "If there wasn't one big factor."

   "What is it?" I ask. Wanting and not wanting to know.


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