Chapter Three: The Cornwall Train

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In the morning, the storm had finally stopped. Arthur was glad, not enjoying being suddenly plunged back into the Grizzlies and the snow. He felt much better after a night of rest, and thought he would be ready to rejoin the rest of the gang.

Then, he saw Micah.

"Heard you can't stay on a horse, cowpoke."

Arthur wondered what would happen if he just killed Micah right now. Would Dutch forgive him? Or had Micah already sunk his claws so deep that Dutch would never see him for what he actually was?

"Nothing to say?" Micah sneered. Arthur's right hand twitched back towards his holster, but ultimately he had to let Micah go. After all, Micah hadn't betrayed the gang yet, providing Agent Milton had been truthful in that they had only picked up Micah after they returned from Guarma.

Fortunately, Micah moved his torments on to the rest of the gang. "Well, when I fall, I don't want no fuss."

"When you die," Lenny said, "there'll be a party!"

The entire cabin laughed, but not Arthur. There will be a party indeed, he thought grimly. And then Micah started throwing punches, and Dutch burst through the door. Yelling about going after O'Driscolls.

"We shouldn't do this, Dutch," Arthur said, addressing the man for the first time since he woke up. He remembered exactly where this led. The O'Driscoll camp. The train robbery plans. And then, Leviticus Cornwall.

"Of course we should," Dutch said, barely sparing Arthur a glance.

"We aren't back on our feet yet," Arthur continued.

"Colm O'Driscoll is here for us."

"No, he's not." That gave Dutch a pause.

"Are you doubting me, Arthur?"

The first time he had been in Colter, he would have denied ever doubting Dutch. "I just think we shouldn't be riding off just yet, especially not for your revenge."

"This isn't about revenge. They were talking about trains, and detonators," Dutch said, pulling equipment off his saddle. "Colm has good information. If you're feeling too unwell to join us, by all means, stay behind."

Arthur sighed. Of course Dutch would react badly to his lack of total support. He thought about turning and walking away, but that could endanger the others. So he grabbed the offered rifle and lasso, and mounted his horse.

It ended exactly has he remembered. As they looked over the ledge with binoculars, Arthur caught a glimpse of Colm himself. He couldn't suppress the shudder that ran through his body. Even watching that bastard swing would not erase the memory of being kidnapped, shot, then hung upside down like an animal. If only he had his rolling block rifle, he would shoot the man right now and damn the consequences. Unfortunately, he had only bought the rifle to help with Marston's sheep scam that had worked out so well.

Colm O'Driscoll rode away, leaving Arthur, Dutch, Bill, and Micah to kill the his men. He thought about putting a bullet through Micah's skull during the action, but then it was over. They left with the train plans and the dynamite, Arthur staying silent while Micah talked to Dutch, agreeing with everything he said.

Across the stream ahead of them, was a horse. "Hey, you see that feller? Wasn't he at camp with Colm?" Dutch asked. Kieran.

"Leave him to me," Arthur said, already spurring his horse forward and curling his hand around the lasso. He didn't need to listen to Dutch's instructions to keep him alive.

As he chased down Kieran, listening to him shout about how he was the wrong guy, Arthur wondered if he should just let him go. But would Kieran really survive any longer if he did?

Soon enough, he was riding back with a hogtied Kieran on the back of his horse. Oh well, maybe he could convince Kieran to give up Colm a little faster this time around.

Dutch was soon preparing the gang for the Cornwall train robbery, and Arthur didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Hosea was already expressing the doubts that Arthur himself had ignored the first time. But not now. In the days following his awakening on the mountains, Arthur had come to the conclusion that this could truly be the past. Or a bad dream that was lasting way longer than it should. Either way, Arthur decided to treat his situation like it was real, and push for real change.

"Leviticus Cornwall's no joke, Dutch," Hosea said, even as Dutch insisted that robbing a train was their only choice.

"I agree with Hosea," Arthur said. "We gotta keep lying low until it's safe."

This only made Dutch turn on Arthur. "This is the second time you've doubted my decision making in the last few days."


"No, if you would rather lay low in the snow and mountains, be my guest. Or you can help us get some money so we can finally get back on our feet. Up to you!" Dutch said bitterly, before mounting his horse.

Arthur wondered what would happen if he just stayed behind, but he remembered the failed charges, jumping onto the train with Lenny and Javier, then Javier falling. He couldn't leave Lenny alone to stop this train, to catch another bullet.

Or to fall off the train, he thought. Even though he checked the dynamite extra careful this time, it didn't blow. Probably a bad detonator, but for now, he had to help pull Lenny up after they leaped onto the carriage.

Lenny did well, the two of them moving in sync to the front and stopping the train. As he and Lenny took out guard after guard exiting the cars. "You OK?" he called to Lenny, relived that the kid was still firing like a professional. He wouldn't let Lenny down this time.

Then Dutch, Micah, Bill, Charles and Javier caught up, taking out the last of the Cornwall guards. Charles and Arthur blew open the door, forcing the last three men out of the carriage.

This time, Arthur decided to search the train a little more carefully, already knowing where the bonds were kept. On a table, he found a letter to Cornwall from an oil company, asking for payment to begin surveying the Wapiti reservation. Arthur placed it in his satchel. Perhaps if he warned Rains Fall now, the Chief could begin to petition the government and find a peaceful solution. Or Arthur could visit the surveyors and… convince them… to write a different report about the region.

Bonds in hand, Arthur exited the train, only to be left to deal with the three remaining guards. Last time, he had let them live, and they probably ran straight to Cornwall. Maybe killing them would keep Cornwall from finding out who had robbed the train? But in the end, he couldn't do it, and ordered them up onto the train.

"We won't tell a soul, we swear!" the guard whimpered, backing away from his gun and back onto the train. That's when an idea formed.

"Oh no, tell them," Arthur said. "Tell them your lives were spared… by Colm O'Driscoll!"

The guards scrambled away, and Arthur ran down the tracks to set the train in motion again. He didn't know if the lie would work, but maybe he could set Cornwall's sights on their rival. It was worth a shot. Make it easier for his family, this time. He pulled the lever, whistled for his horse, and rode back to camp.

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