Chapter Five: Small Changes

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Arthur scrambled back, putting some distance between him and Downes. His breathing was rapid, and it took a few seconds for him to realize that he was in Valentine. On the ground, Tommy's face was a bloody mess, with Mr. Downes trying his best to stay between the two of them.

"You won the fight already, surely that's enough?" Downes continued, but Arthur was turning and running.

"Arthur? Are you OK?" Charles shouted after him, but Arthur couldn't seem to hear or see properly just yet, and soon found himself in an alley. He leaned into a barrel while catching his breath, and the muttering crowd on the main street dispersed.

"You hurt, mi amigo?" Javier and Charles followed him down the alley. Arthur simply waved them off, still gasping.

"I'll be alright, just give me a minute," he said.

"Arthur!" It was Dutch's voice. "Picking fights so soon?"

Dutch had brought Josiah Trelawny, and news of Sean.

Sean. One moment, standing next to them in Rhodes. The next, on the ground with a bullet hole in his skull.

Charles left to scout Blackwater, Javier went with Josiah. In a few days, if Arthur remembered rightly, he would receive word that he needed to join them to catch the bounty hunters in the act of moving Sean. So he had a little time.

As he wandered down the street, he caught Mr. Downes eyeing him from his charity booth on the corner. An idea forming in his mind, he approached.

"Sorry, about earlier," he began.

Mr. Downes huffed. "Did you really have to beat him into the ground?"

"I was… uh… well, remembering a different fight," Arthur admitted. "Thank you, for stopping me."

"Oh," Mr. Downes paused, "you're welcome."

"Let me give you something, to say thanks," Arthur said, reaching into his satchel for his money. There wasn't much, but considering he knew about some jobs in advance, he could afford to spend a little now. He had no idea if Herr Strauss had already approached the family and offered a loan, but maybe this would allow the family to pay off whatever they owed if it already happened.

"No, no that isn't necessary."

"No, cm'on, take it!"

Eventually, Thomas Downes relented, and took the offered bills, and Arthur wandered back to camp. One problem solved, he hoped.

The next morning, Hosea was up early, itching to get out of camp. He told tale of the one thousand pound bear, one which had nearly eaten them both on the first round. But its skin had fetched a pretty good price, and he had enjoyed his trip with Hosea. So they rode into town, Arthur sold the black brute of a shire, but didn't buy a new horse. He would stick with the Tennessee Walker for now.

"You seem to be getting along better with John nowadays," Hosea said.

Arthur had been trying a little harder to be nice to John this time around. Considering all he sacrificed for him at the end and how much John had tried to be a father, he had forgotten that at this time, he had been rather cold towards his brother.

"Yeah, I guess I finally forgave him."

"So how do you like the new camp?" Hosea asked.

"Pretty good," Arthur said. "I hope we stick around for a bit."

"But not too long. I want to head back west, and I'm sure you do, too."

This time, when they laid the bait, Arthur kept Hosea from going to check it. The bait did work as intended, after all, and he decided to spare the both of them the pure terror of a hungry bear charging towards them. The monster did still make a run for it, even after Arthur and Hosea landed some shots, but it didn't take long to track and skin it.

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