His highness, the crown prince was a beggar?

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After the cultivators ate their food just so you know. This time they got mantous and Tian Zi Xiao (the wine that Wei Wuxian like to drink just in case you didn't know) for their break instead of other food.

Aria who is sitting at their seat the whole entire time drinking tea to calm themselves down with two of their siblings enjoying their breakfast. Luna and Rin can be a pain in the ass sometimes but hey I'm not complaining. 

It's better to have siblings than being alone right? Well I don't know how it felt like being the only child in the household since the author isn't the only child either.

Author who is furiously writing their homework in their room: "Yep! And Aria please don't bother me for the time being, thank you!"

Aria stood up from their seat and went over to the control panel before they started to select the clips they have left. 

Aria: 'Thousand Sword, Man-Face diseases explanation in a nutshell, The Crown Prince of the Xian Le kingdom, The caves of thousand statues, The image of the sign that is written by Hua Cheng in front of the gambling place, A-Ying that sadly didn't survive the first season, Qing Rong and the other calamity... What great options! This is going to be so hard...'

*poof* A button appear right beside the play button that is label as "Random". 

Aria and the Random button had a small staring contest before Aria pressed it without hesitation.

"To all cultivators in the room, I hope you all have a great time so far because we'll be moving onto some sad stuff and don't worry we'll give you breaks if it's too much to handle, just so you know if the videos are really uncomfortable for you, you get to leave the room. Just call Rin, Luna or Aria and we'll get you out of here. Thank you for listening and enjoy the video."

The cultivators look at the screen as it started to show an image. 

The image have a large red temple-like building with three signs hanging on it. The one that is hanging up above the building wrote "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The one on the left wrote "Want to money, don't want life!" and the last one is "Want to win don't want face." They're all in a very messy handwriting too.

Feng Xin and Mu Qing have not went to the ghost city before so they're quite amused at the writings. 

Xie Lian don't know whether to laugh or cry at this. 

Wei Wuxian took one look at the writing and burst out laughing causing the ghost king glare at the man and Lan Wangji glared back. Shen Yuan is debating whether to stop the two man that are sitting beside him and his husband or to laugh his ass off like Wei Wuxian did. 

Both Binghe laugh as well. Shen Jiu is mentally cringing on how the writing is worst than his disciples. Sect Leaders are thinking if they should add a calligraphy lesson for their sect. Mobei-jun think that he should ask what the writings means since it's too messy to read. Shang Qinghua being a helpful subordinate translate it for his king. The other two being Mo Ran and Shi Mingjing are confuse what the writings are and Chu Wanning translate it for them.

They are his disciples after all.

The scene switch it into a cave with lots and I mean LOTS of statues that all looks like the same person. The clothes looks like someone would wear from a royal family. The screen zoomed out a bit showing three people walking inside the caves looking at the statues that have been in there for who knows how long. 

Xie Lian got curious and unveil one of the statues with two "young" martial gods behind him warning that he shouldn't do that. When the three saw who's face was underneath, they were shocked. 

And so is the audience except for the TGCF/HOB group. 

Underneath the veil was an exact replica of Xie Lian himself.

"Can someone explain what's the meaning of this?!" Shi Mingjing asked. 

"Why don't you ask the ghost king instead, after all these ARE his hand crafted statues." The host reply. The rest of the cultivators turn to the said ghost king who was giving them all a glare that's saying "Why-do-I-have-to-tell-you-when-that's-my-precious-presents-for-gege" 

Xie Lian cut in and explain it for the others. 

"Those statues are San Lang's works, he did it because he want to get better at crafting while remembering me in my days as the crown prince during those 800+ years without me." 

[A/N: Actually I don't know the reason here :> If you do know please do tell me.] 

"800+ years?!" Jiang Cheng said as if he just witness someone who just told him that the Wen Sect still exist. 

"Yeah..." Xie Lian said.

Rin took over the mic and start to explain.

"Ok so basically his highness has been living for over 800+ ever since his first ascension and gain immortality as a god. After he got banned from the heaven for the 2nd time he got into what we people called depression. But we don't talk about that. Hua Chengzhu had always been with him during those time, at that time his identity remain as "No Name". After some good time, he started to make those statues during the days known as the "Crimson Rain Sought Flower". "

Xie Lian just kept his composure during the whole explanation. Feng Xin and Mu Qing are shock to heard what happen after they left. Hua Cheng scoffed at the other heaven officials.  

"This master is sorry to heard what happen to you, your highness." 

Xie Lian smiled and said, "It's all in the past anyways, don't be sorry and also just call me Xie daozhang. I haven't been a crown prince for a long time."

"If everyone is done with the discussion, put your eyes on the screen please." the other cultivators turn their attention back to the TV. 

During their conversation, the scene had already switched into a beautiful scenery. It was in a palace where a lot of people are around the tall building behind the barriers. And there came our crown prince of Xian Le in all his glory! He is wearing a mask that covered his whole face, along with some accessories and beautiful robes. 

"Xie daozhang, you look wonderful." Chu Wanning said while Mo Ran looked at him with wide eyes.

"Shizun, why you never complement my before but now you complement other people~" he just earned himself a painful smack to his head by his dearest husband.

"This is the first time that I felt so poor in my entire existence." Wei Wuxian sulked in his seat, Lan Wangji hugged his husband to comfort him.

"I used to live by picking trash too but they're all in the past now." Xie Lian said making the other turn their heads to the former crown prince.

"You were a beggar?!"

[A/N: Oh look an update! Isn't that surprising?]

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