Oh look, there's more of us

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[A/N: *insert really cool author note*]

The screen now show two cultivators which are Hua Cheng and Xie Lian walking in some kind of forest. They stopped and looked around after they heard a sound of a child crying. Sometimes later, they finally found the source of the sound. It was a child who looked about 5 beside two dead people that might be his parents.

The SVSSS cast are startled by the sudden sound, The PIDW cast are curious, MDZS cast are both startled and surprised when they notice their famous Yilling laozhu is in the screen, both Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are looking at the screen with curious looks as well.

The rest are either fawning over how cute young Wei Wuxian is or wondering when the heck did this event occurred.

Xie Lian slowly kneel down, trying to not scared the young boy in front of him who looked clearly imitated by both of them. 

"Hello, little one. May I ask what happen here?" the crown prince spoke with a soft tone. The young boy look at the god and the ghost king behind him before he spoke while tears dripping from his eyes. 

"Mom and *hic* dad gone *hic* hid A-Ying in the tree. A-Ying wants mom and dad..." The child spoke slowly as tears kept overflowing when he mention his parents.  

Wei Wuxian sigh when he watch his other younger self weep over his parents. He can't even remember how they passed away at all, the only memory he had of them is when his mother is riding on the donkey while his father is giving him a piggyback ride and they were all laughing happily.

Xie Lian still can't recalled if this had happen during his 8 or 9 centuries of living. Hua Cheng is 100% sure that he had not seen young master Wei this young before, he had died more than 3 times and return to his gege as possible but he also can't recalled when did this happen as well.

And so he came into the conclusion of  "This must be an imposter that stayed with his Gege during his absents" (aka the time before he restored himself right after he died) 

Lan Wangji want to comfort the child on screen, it pained him to see a younger version of his husband crying in front of him. Jiang Cheng swear that he rarely see his martial brother cry Heck! Wei Wuxian didn't even cry when his mother whip him! Not even when he's about to die during their first mission!  

The orphans [oh wait should be more specify which orphan?... Nah.] pity the boy. 

Hua Cheng frowned when he listened to the child words. Xie Lian took out a clean handkerchief and gently wipe the boys tears away. Eventually Wei Ying calmed down, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng both help the little boy to buried his parents. 

"Since A-Ying have no place to go, does A-Ying want to stay with us for now?" Xie Lian offered. The child looked at the two before smiling brightly that somehow everything around him brighten up. [Where did those lights came from???] 

Shen Yuan: 'Main characters effects' 

"Really? Daozhang-gege would keep A-Ying?" Wei Ying said hopefully. Hua Chen left a chuckle slipped pass his lips when he look at his gege and A-Ying interact with each other. 

"Daozhang-gege would keep A-Ying if A-Ying want to but..." The god then turn to his husband who had been watching the whole time.

"We need to ask San Lang tho." Hua Cheng got a bit startled when the attention shifted to him. Now both of them are looking at him with a hopeful look on both of their faces. He sighed before he stared at both of them with a soft look.

"Anything for Gege. A-Ying can stay with us." The small ball of sunshine jumped out of Xie Lian's arm and hug Hua Cheng's leg, startling both of them. "Thank you San Lang gege! A-Ying will repay this one day!" Hua Cheng picked up the kid as Xie Lian walked up to both of them.

"Only daozhang-gege call me San Lang, you little sunshine can call me the fearsome ghost king of the ghost city!" Wei Ying giggled. 

"Nah, I'll just call you Butterfly gege!" The three laugh together as they left the forest together. This was a start for a new family. The screen faded into black after that.

The audience especially the females are fawning over this little family they just saw. The god and ghost king had to admit having a child like is cute. Wei Wuxian is a bit happy to see that this child who look like him get to have a home and most certainly doesn't have to deal with the Jiang family.

Lan Wangji is glad that the boy is safe and happy. Jiang Cheng still refuse to believe that little ball of sunshine is his martial brother, cause what happen to the all mighty Yilling laozhu?! If you drag someone that knows Yilling laozhu and show them the child to them while telling them that's the evil demonic cultivator that everyone feared. WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND WOULD BELIEVE THAT?! [*cough* the readers *cough*]

The rest are either still fawning over the small family or eating while rethinking what they just saw.

Wei Wuxian finally asked the question that he's been wanting to ask for sometime now.

"Whoever is up there right now, I want to ask when did this happen cause I surely don't remember it." 

Luna: "Oh that was an alternate universe of yourselves! This universe is when young master Wei is found by Hua Chengzhu and Xie daozhang and became his child!" 

"Alternate Universes?!" Shang Qinghua yell out in shock.

Luna: "Yes there are quite a lot to be honest. The author seen some that involve all of you and sometime Chu zhongshi and Mo zhongshi. There's a lot of them out there and you're only reacting to one of them. Although some are quite depressing. But it all worked out in the end. Anymore questions?" 

Liu Mingyan had her paper in hand writing a few more ideas that she came up for her book [And I meant by the wholesome part] Liu Qingge is quite confuse at who are the rest of the cultivators in the room but he thought the show is quite nice. 

Mu Qingfan did notice the wounds on the man and woman during the show, after not knowing what cause it to happen he decided to do more research just in case. 

[A/N: And that's all for this chapter! Although I would like to end the story here but I'll accept two more requests for no reason at all before ending this story! Stay safe and hope you enjoy this story!]

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