How does it feel like when you get stab more than one time?

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"Alright cultivators! Listen up cause we're rounding up all the pain and sufferings you all have been through so get ready for some angst!" Rin said, quite happy that there making everyone suffe- *cough* I mean watching the pain that their past selves went through. 

The cultivators already saw that one coming so they mentally prepare themselves. 

The screen is now showing a crowd random people and Xie Lian in one room together, a long black sword in one of the people hands. The crown prince himself is sitting on the podium with a blank look on his face. Some of the people are whispering to each other looking hesitate.

Shang Qinghua look confuse. And so is everyone else in the room except for the ghost king and crown prince. 

Just then the sword went through Xie Lian's body.

Gasps are heard in the room. 'How could anyone do this?!' is what they're all thinking.

Blood splattered on the podium, the person who stabbed him muttered an apology before they left the place. One by one the crowd took turn to pull the sword out and stab the god who look lifeless. When it's a big strong man turn, he refuse to do the same as the rest of the crowd. Xie Lian didn't even care at this point, after all this was his choice. If he couldn't save his kingdom from the disease maybe he could sacrifice himself to save these people here.

Xie Lian remember that man from when he was doing street performance, too bad he died from the disease right after that.

The other cultivators are glad and worried at the same time, they're glad that the man didn't stab the god and worried about the crown prince who is sitting right behind or beside them.  

A few stabs later... The god is now sitting in the same position with his blood soaking his white robe, the sword is still in his chest. At this point he wish he could just die. Before he lose his consciousness, he though he saw a boy or a man kneeling in front of him, screaming. Before he could even mustard any word to say, he black out. And so did the screen.

The cultivators are to stunned to speak.

Shi Mingjing is the first one to snapped out of it and asked. "What disease did Xie daozhang meant in the... erm..."

"Video. It's a video." Luna assisted. Now the others are curious about that as well.

"Eyes on the screen please, the next video will explain it for you." Their attention went back onto the screen as it light up once again.

Once upon a time there was a crown prince in a not so far away kingdom. He was also a god and wanted to build a bridge to the heaven for his people. He did successfully build the bridge but it crumbled down when all his people rush on it cause they're all fat as heck. After sometime passed, he befriended four commoner and they all live a short happy life.  

He killed off three of them but what he didn't expect was that they would become apart of him. The three people turn into little pimples with their face on it and grew on the crown prince's face. From that day on, he wore a mask to cover his ugly face until the fourth person found out about it and confronted him about it. That's the origin of the human face disease.

"Oh wow. That was... interesting." Shen Jiu said. 

"I know right." Shen Yuan added.

Feng Xing and Mu Qing are glad that this man is no longer the heavenly emperor. 

Some of them laughed at narration and some pity the man.

In the showing room, Rin is laughing her lungs out and so is Luna. Oh wait- no they're losing air, shit-!

[A trip to the emergency room with author later~]

"Alright this will be the last video so enjoy~" an unfamiliar voice spoke through the speaker.

Now the screen is showing a girl standing in front of the carriage, blocking the group of thugs. The girl on screen is none other than A-Ying herself!  

Xie Lian remember this girl as well. She was really brave. Hua Cheng notice how his gege is looking at the girl and thought that this little girl must be the one that took care of that bandage boy before gege took him in. 

They all watched as A-Ying tried to stop the thug, ripping her dress in process and got laugh at before Xie Lian went to the rescue. 

"Xie daozhang do you know this young lady?" Chu Wanning asked. 

"She's a friend of mine." Xie Lian replied. 

It switched into A-Ying in a temple trying to pull the man into what seems like a glowing circle alongside a boy with bandage covering his face. A ghost woman in bride dress saw them and tried to attacked them. Luckily Xie Lian block her way and the two continue to fight, giving time for the two teenagers dragging the man into the glowing circle.

Xue Meng notice the god is also wearing a bride dress with makeup and said, "Xie daozhang, was that you who block the ghost woman attack?"

The rest who also notice were shocked at what Xie Lian said. 

"Yes, it was me who block XuanJi's attack." the crown prince smiled sheepishly since he didn't expect that he would be shown in the bride dress. Hua Chen just hug Xie Lian saying that gege is beautiful no matter what he wears.

All the single man in the room felt like they had just ate dog food.

A-Ying is now shown attacking XuanJi with a stick before getting thrown and landed hard onto the ground head first. The bandage boy quickly rush over to the girl and tried to save her. 

"Is the girl okay?!" Jiang Cheng said. 

Feng Xing: "No." 

Now A-Ying is being carried by Xie Lian as she ask him to take care of the bandage boy for her before showing the bandage boy kneeling in front of her grave.

Wei Wuxian actually shed tears for the other A-Ying, Lan Wangji hand his husband a handkerchief as Wei Wuxian started to cry. 

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng both hope that A-Ying is in a better life now. The rest also hope the girl is living a better life now.

But no that's not the end yet. The screen now show Xie Lian with the black sword that is in his chest laying in a ditch. 

"When did this happen?!" Feng Xing and Mu Qing may knew things before but watching their crown prince like that was not what they were expecting.

"Gege is that...?" Xie Lian nodded and Hua Cheng turn his attention back to the screen.

The people either looked at the god and left or they stood there for some time and watch for someone to help the god. But no one came. Until one day... it's raining and Xie Lian has yet to move from his spot

He heard footsteps and then some one tripped and fell on the ground above beside him. The man cursed before he look in the ditch to see the crown prince. He looked around before he took off his bamboo hat and put it on the human shaped ditch's head, covering the crown prince's head from the rain. At that moment Xie Lian finally snapped out from his depress cycle and looked more alive again. After that the screen black out showing two words, The End.

"This is one of the heroes along side Mo Xuanyu, Mister Bamboo Hat man." the voice said.

All of them are glad that they all fine now and all those traumas are left in the past. 

[A/N: So we're finished with all of them! The next chapter will be decided by you readers!]


a) Send all of them back to their home

b) Take you all including them to explore the studio with me and my OCs

c) Q&A

d) Others

[Choose wisely since only the one with most comments will be the last chapters of this book :)]

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