+10 Years: Katsuki + Eijiro - Heart to Heart

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Eijiro needs to talk with Katsuki about something important.


Well, hello there. I returned faster than expected. but I really want to get going with this story. Still working on the Izuku parts for the in-between story though.

I will write some scenes as if the first NAP Story was already reworked. So don't wonder about that. It will make sense eventually. (cough cough)

I will jump right into that, because, there is not really a delay between NAP 1.5 and NAP 2 just a couple of days. But the pacing will slow down again. Not 6 months in one chapter any longer xD

Anyway, I got ART for you :D I am currently drawing the families of them but Izuku, Katsuki, and Eijiro are already done :D So you get a better picture of how they look right now.

As for Eijiro's ex-mate Mae, I didn't know that her pink/purple hair was dyed, my friend told me today after talking about drawing the character in her older form. I was like "Oh, good to know, but I think I have not described the triplets yet, hmm.

Anyway, Enjoy :D

TW: Mentions of Self Harm and Suicide. Mentions of Murder and violence.

Ever since New Year, Eijiro was looking for a new job, but it wasn't exactly easy. He got frustrated when he got one refusal after the other. It seemed like some companies were scared to hire former heroes.

"No luck today?" Mae asked. She sat at the kitchen table, feeding the triplets and Ryuu. Her silver hair was a bit messy, still from standing up very early. Her dogs were sprawled over the floor around her.

"Jep, they don't really want to hire former heroes, they are afraid that me being at the company could affect the climate, or could attract villains, yada-yada," he grimaced.

Mae raised her eyebrows. "Wow that's tough," she growled slightly.

Eijiro sat opposite of her, he was his laptop, he was still looking for a job.

"I made an appointment in the hospital for the bond scrubbing," Mae told him after some time.

Eijiro looked up. "Really? When is it?" He asked.

"Next Thursday ... at ten." She exhaled deeply. Her ears were a bit droopy.

The alpha looked down at the keyboard of his laptop. He knew that it was hard on her. He admired her for her strength though. Not everyone would handle a situation like that so well.

"Alright. I will remember that." He clenched his jaw.

"And you, when are you going to talk with Katsuki?" She questioned.

"I, uh, guess I will do this today. He texted me, that he got his day off today."

"Well, good luck then." Mae tended to Akemi, who had trouble eating.

"Thank you." He was more than a bit nervous if he was honest. He hadn't talked to Katsuki in some time, the other didn't even know what happened at Christmas to Eijiro.

Eijiro sighed and closed the laptop, it was really frustrating, that he couldn't find a job ...

He stood up and kissed his pups goodbye, out of reflex he wanted to lean over to Mae too, but he stopped himself, no, this was nothing he could do anymore. Her gaze lingered on him, sadness in her eyes.

The alpha cleared his throat and backed off. "Well, uh, see you later then." He gave her an awkward smile.

"Yeah ... see you later." She pursed her lips and looked down.

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