Katsuki - Distractions

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Katsuki distracts himself with some hero work.


Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2022 has been positive for you so far.

We get right back into the story here.

TW: Mentions of Suicide!
Also some mild sexual content at the end.

Katsuki crawled out of his nest, no fucking way he would be sulking all day because of that shit again. Kirishima wanted to take the blame, fucking fine, he could have it. Anger was inside of Katsuki. He needed to get his mind off of it.

He shot a text to Hiroto, that he was at work and that he had to get Kira later from his parents. He grabbed his hero costume and made his way over to the agency. He deliberately stirred his mind away from the topic that Kirishima had brought up.

About twenty minutes later, he arrived at the agency. He stormed in, which caused Sougo and Michiko to look up. They had fast food containers on their desks. "Yo, what's wrong?" Michiko said.

"Eh, I just need to occupy my mind a little, that's why I'm here to work," he shrugged and walked over to the changing room. He quickly changed into his hero costume and was back in the office in no time.

"Give us ten minutes and then we accompany you," Michiko offered.

"Sure." Katsuki sat down at his desk and played with a pen. "So, have you found anything about this guy Ruben was with?"

"No, still nothing. I hope that guy is okay," Sougo murmured, still eating.

"And how is Ruben holding up? Does he get along with Tenko?" Katsuki looked over to Michiko.

"Oh, he's doing good. He feels more comfortable now. And yes, those two get along great! Tenko is not afraid of him, but I think he sometimes confuses him with a dog, because of the features," she chuckled.

"As long as they are not on each other's throats ..." Katsuki said.

"Nah, both are very peaceful, thank god. Now I just have to put a leash on Kuroko to keep them calm and maybe I get a bit of rest once in a while," she mumbled to herself.

She stood up and threw her empty food container in the bin. She disappeared shortly and when she returned they went out on patrol.

Katsuki used his explosions to fly through the air, looking for potential trouble, while Michiko and Sougo jumped over the roofs of the buildings to get quickly from A to B. Katsuki looked down and he saw how a building exploded. He changed the direction and flew towards it.

Before the perpetrator even knew what hit him, Katsuki tackled him to the ground. He pressed his gauntlet against the guy's head. "Don't fucking move!" He growled.

The villain squealed in fear when he saw Katsuki's face. The hero pulled him up and gave him to the police officer that came running towards them. "Thank you very much," he said while taking the villain away.

"No problem." With that Katsuki turned around and launched himself into the air again. The other two were already ahead of him.

The next incident occurred quickly after. A thief had mugged some beta females and stolen their purses. Katsuki didn't need much effort to get them back. The thief didn't even make it far. "Oh, thank you so much, Dynamight!" The beta's cheered.

"That's my job, watch out." He said while getting ready to leave.

Car theft came next, Katsuki found himself racing after a speeding car. Michiko and Sougo tailed it too, but he had the advantage with his quirk.

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