Tenko + Izuku: Nightly Terror

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Tenko and Izuku have nightmares and some complications with Lucia.


TW: Anxiety, Nightmares, Torture, Violence, Body Modifications/Body Horror, Operations. I guess violence against Infants? More or less descriptive heart transplantation and Birth

I ... I will mark the text that has torture elements. feel free to skip it. I just felt kinda ... mean, and wanted some more body horror. It won't happen that much in the future, but Izuku is still struggling.

Also, the choppy and repetitive sentences with Tenko are intentional, to get across his way of processing things ... I guess xD

Fun Fact, while writing the chapter, I listened to classical music ... maybe I shouldn't if something like this is coming out xD

Uh, enjoy!

Tenko's head was feeling strange. It always felt strange, but this time even more. He couldn't exactly tell what was wrong, but if he was honest, he could never tell if something was wrong or right in the first place.

A high-pitched noise buzzed in his ears, and it made him anxious. He knew what this was! The Doctor would come soon. Whenever The Doctor came, it would start to buzz. He hated the noise; it made him feel nauseous.

But throwing up was bad; he would get punished. But Mimi wouldn't do that, no. Mimi was different.

Life was so much better with Mimi. No pain ... however, lately, he started to feel weird again. Something wasn't right.

But what was right and what was wrong? Tenko confused himself with thinking about it. Better to not think at all. Yes, this was good. He wasn't made for thinking. Thinking was only for smart people, and Tenko wasn't smart.

He was in his room, his cozy and not scary room. He liked his room; there were so many nice and fluffy things in it. Mimi had given him so much stuff for his nest!

Tenko sat on the floor playing with his bear. Frosty was next to him; her white and fluffy body was pressed against him.

Ruben was on the bean bag in one of the corners of the nice room; he was purring and half asleep. He slept a lot, Tenko thought. These past weeks he had gotten this weird smell. And he gained more weight, Tenko noticed.

Tenko wondered what was up with Ruben, but he was afraid to ask. Asking questions wasn't good. He was afraid that Ruben would be mad.

The buzzing in his head continued, and a whimper escaped his lips. Frosty lifted her head when she heard him. She nuzzled her head against his side, and Tenko wrapped his arms around her.

Laughter appeared in Tenko's head, and he flinched even more. The static laughter of The Doctor. He shivered when suddenly the image of the man stood in the room.

«You're a naughty boy, puppy!» He laughed. The electricity sparked in between his hands. «Let me treat your naughtiness away!»

Tenko jolted, and he got up to his legs. He stumbled towards his nest and jumped in it. As fast as he could, he pulled all the blankets and pillows over himself. He was a shaking mess, and he let out a wail.

"Tenko? What is wrong?" He heard Ruben talking. He didn't understand what he was saying, but he realized that he was concerned.

Ruben pressed his ears flat to his head when he smelled the change in Tenko's scent. The distress got more prominent.

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