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Advice Request
This person is liked by two guys who are best friends.

Answered Submission

This is certainly an awkward situation, and there are a few different ways that you can address it yourself. What you choose though depends on your personal feelings for both of them individually. While no one wants to interfere with other people's friendships, ultimately how they respond is up to them and does not rest on your shoulders.

First, if you are interested in either of them, you can take the opportunity now to show that interest. Now, that means expressing interest for ONE of them, not both because that just keeps you where you are. By choosing one of them, the ball is now in their court. The one you like will have the opportunity to further pursue you, and the other one will either back off or put himself on a position to be told off by either you or the other boy.

Next, you can tell them you're not interested in a relationship. Even if you are, if you can't pick one of them that puts all of you in a difficult position, and it is likely easier to just let things settle for the time being. If something changes, that can be addressed when the time comes, but by halting the potential for a romantic relationship, they no longer feel they have to fight each other for your attention, and you don't have to make any commitments you're not ready or prepared for.

Personally, I think these are the two best options. There are a handful more, but in your situation as you have described it, one of the two suggested above are most like the best courses of action. It all depends on how you want this to go, and what you want from this situation.

I hope this helps, love. Feel free to come back any time! Good luck!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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