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Advice Request
This person has been secretly talking to their friends going against their parents .

Answered Submission
This is quite a difficult position you've found yourself in. I understand how stressful it probably is for all of you. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can really do here, nor much I can advise you on. You are stuck between a rock and a hard place, and there is really no easy way out.
Your friend's dad has screenshots of secret communications between you and your friend, both knowing your parents didn't want you two talking. He may not do anything with the screenshots, but if he does, your communication with your other friend is at risk of being revealed.

You have two options:
1. You can wait it out and see if anything comes from it when they get back from holiday on the 29th. Sophie's father confronts you two or goes to your parents. He may not talk to your parents; he might just want to talk to your friend or both of you about your conversations and possibly demand she cease communication with you, but he very well could go to your parents as well, so that is a possibility.
2. You can talk to your parents and clear the air yourself. It is definitely self-incriminating, but you might get a better response from them if you tell them rather than your friend's dad with whom they have a problem. It's no guarantee, but it is something to think about.

Ultimately, while it doesn't sound fair to restrict your child's choices in friends and I feel for you, we don't have the whole story, and thus there is only so much we can do in the advice department. It is up to you to decide which route makes the most sense for your situation.

In the meantime, it might be a good idea to delete the chats with Kiera as a precaution since Sophie's father would have no way of knowing about them should he go to your parents with the screenshots. There isn't much use in deleting Sophie's chat because if they get screenshots, it will likely just make you look sneaky, and that would be no help to you at all.  I hope things turn out well for all of you, and I wish you the best of luck.
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