Chapter Eight - Ava

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"And if you get an item that won't scan, you click here..." I explained pressing a button on the screen, "You type in the name of the product, and it'll pop up." The new girl nodded her head. "Easy, right?"

"It seems like it is, but I think I'm just so nervous that it seems like you're talking in French or something." Kira applied last week and Missy, our manager hired her to work part-time.

Kira was a hard worker and I and the other girls have been training her to work on the cashier. Kira was still in high school, and she wanted a part-time job.

She was also very beautiful. I mean blonde hair, big blue eyes, and a petite figure. She was modestly effortless, very funny, and sweet. These past few days as I trained her made me like her already.

"Listen, I know it's like a lot of numbers, and codes, and all of that crap, but you'll never be working alone. If I'm not here, then Stacy is, and if Stacy isn't here then Melody is. You'll always have someone here that has your back."

"Thanks, Ava."

"Anytime, sweetie. Now come on, let me show you how we do the discounts and coupons."

I spent most of my shift training Kira and the rest of my shift doing a full-on makeup look on four bridesmaids. It was the whole deal. Full lashes. Contour and highlight. Glitter.

I love makeup, but I swear some people will make you hate it when you're working. The four girls had booked an appointment weeks ago so that wasn't the issue. The issue was how fucking indecisive they were.

Usually, people came with makeup inspiration, a photo they really liked, or they tell you to wing it and include the colors they like and colors they don't like.

I've even had some clients that tell me to do whatever I want because they trust me. The four girls gave me hell and I was this close to spraying setting spray in their eyes. None of them came prepared with what they wanted.

They fought with me and Sharon the entire time over every little thing. They picked and criticized every makeup brush I chose, every palette I picked up, nothing was good enough for these people.

I had to hold back and bite my tongue and go with it because the customer is always fucking right. I know I didn't need this job. I know my parents wouldn't mind if I choose to be a stay-at-home mom.

I know this already. The thing is I didn't want that to define me. I didn't want to just be a mother. I knew deep down that wasn't the only thing that defined me, but my betraying subconscious didn't give a shit.

I know bad days existed. I know that working in customer service required a thick skin and that I couldn't take everything to heart.

I knew this and yet everything anyone said to me got to me. It crawled underneath my skin, and it made me hate myself, made me doubt myself, and made me feel like I was worthless.

I stared at my phone while I stabbed at my chicken salad.

Officer Dimitri.

His number was there, taunting me to call him, to text him, to vent to him about the day I had. It felt pathetic. I didn't like this feeling of relying on anyone for anything.

Especially a man. I could vent to Lenny, but I knew she was at work right now in some meeting and therefore she wouldn't pick up. I never vented to my parents, so that was out of the equation.

"You okay?"

I looked away from my phone to see Kira step into the breakroom.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little annoyed."

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