Chapter Fourteen - Ava

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I honestly thought I'd never miss sex. I really, really did. But having sex with Dimitri was like this new drug that got me so high and gave me amnesia all at the same time.

Sex with Dimitri wasn't your regular five-minute sex where the guy is rubbing your left lip or thigh thinking it's your clit like an idiot.


Dimitri was rough when his self-control snapped and slowed when he wanted to hear me beg.

There was something hot about a guy telling you how he wants to fuck you or how much he loves how you taste.

I mean, not just that. This man was a poet, albeit a filthy poet. It was poetic how he spoke to me and praised me, how he touched me and kissed me.

Kissing Dimitri was intoxicating, and every time we kissed or touched, it felt like the first time.

Alone time was hard to find between our work schedules and Aiden. Sometimes, I'd stop by with or without Aiden on my day off and we'd make a day of it.

We'd order food and watch a movie together. I love watching him with Aiden.

He was gentle and sweet with him. He'd pick him up as soon as he'd hear him cry or whine. Rock him in his arms, or help by giving him a bottle as he put him to sleep.

He'd speak to him in Russian, and sometimes I'd catch him singing lullabies to him. It made my heart do this thing where it melted into a straight puddle.

He's been wanting the both of us to spend the night, but I didn't know how to approach the whole situation yet.

We told Kira and I was thankful she was so happy and cool with it, hinting that she brought me here to have lunch for a reason.

Every time we'd spend time together, either in his house or out in the park, Dimitri would bring gifts for Aiden.

I had ten new stuffed toys, a bunch of baby clothes with the most ridiculous sayings on them.

'My mommy is a MILF'

'Straight OUTTA Mommy'

'I get my good looks from my Mommy'

And my personal favorite; 'Me and my mom talk mad shit about you'

Dimitri was a natural with Aiden that sometimes I swear my son chose him over me. It was a contradiction seeing this man be so sweet with my son one minute then fuck me while he calls me his dirty girl the next.

I mean, a man like this surely doesn't exist, yet he did, and not only did he exist, but he was all mine.

I hadn't told my parents I was seeing anyone yet, but I couldn't keep it from Lenny anymore.

I needed to tell my best friend about everything. We were meeting up at the café on Cherry street. I had Aiden with me who was sleeping soundly in his stroller.

I ordered an iced coffee and a chocolate chip muffin for me and an iced coffee and bagel for Lenny.

I saw her red lion's mane from a mile away, and got up to wave her over. In her slick black and white pantsuit, Lenny strolled in like the badass she was and greeted me with air kisses before sitting down and taking off her Chanel sunglasses.

"Spill it." She said, reaching for her cup.

I ushered her closer to the nearby tables didn't hear. "I had sex."

Her eyes went wide, and she grinned, leaning back in her chair. "With that hot cop?"

"Yes." I bit my lip as I nodded my head excitedly.

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