Chapter 5: Long time no see

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"Ahh, when is she here?" I thought sitting in a cafeteria in the airport of Helsinki. I was drinking a banana smoothie and reading a gossip magazine. It was Monday and Amanda was supposed to get here today. I looked at the screen at the wall showing when and from where airplanes are arriving. Amanda's plane from Stockholm had arrived a couple of minutes ago, but I knew that it took time to get out of the plane and get the luggage and all that.

My phone started vibrating and my Flo Rida ringtone appeared. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the display. It was Isac.

"Hello?" I said as I got my phone to my ear. This would be the first time I heard Isac's voice since the McDonalds date three days ago. I honestly hadn't stopped thinking about him since Friday.

"Hey Joey" Isac said. He sounded happy.

"What's up?" I asked closing my magazine. I missed talking to Isac. We were like the perfect match: we liked the same things, we had the same kind of humour and we loved each others' company, even if we're just texting or talking on the phone.

Isac was quiet for a while before he spoke. "I'm actually in the studio recording a song"

I smiled. "Oh, you are?"

"Yeah" Isac chuckled. "So, I was wondering if you wanted to meet soon? Like tomorrow or something?"

I thought about it. I was going to be with Amanda almost every day she was here and I'd told Jai that he could be with us, Isac could join us. It'd be so cool to see Amanda's priceless reaction when she'd find out that Isac Elliot was going to be less than a meter in front of her. That she would actually hang with him.

"Yeah, sure" I said. It was quiet for a while, but I broke the silence, "Isac, I really miss you"

Right after I said that, I regretted it. What if Isac only asked me out as friends? What if he didn't have feelings towards me. But then, on the other hand, he wouldn't have sent all those cute text messages or been so nice and full of admiring when I met him if he just liked me as a friend. I decided to stop worrying, YOLO right?
"I miss you too, Joey" Wow. That came as a surprise. "We need to meet again sometime, we really do"

He'd said that we had to meet again a couple of times before, and I had too. We are made for each other. At first, I wasn't that big of an Isac Elliot fan, but when I met him for the first time at that grocery store, woah, that changed everything. I didn't really believe in love at first sight before I experienced it myself.

Me and Isac spoke on the phone until his break was over and he had to continue with the song. He told me that he called me because he just wanted to hear my beautiful voice, and that, I thought, confirmed that he did like me. You may notice that I'm a confident person, but since I like Isac, it's just like a dream come true with having him telling me my voice is beautiful and that he misses me. When we hung up I instantly got a text message from Amanda saying that she just got her luggage and she was on her way in to the airport. I decided to wait for her at the entrance for people who just arrived.

A couple of minutes after waiting I saw people beginning to come out. I thought that Amanda surely would be out soon as well, and I was right, because just after a bunch of teenage boys came out, Amandas blonde, long hair appeared in the doors. You know it's Amanda when the hair has some pink highlights, and she had them.

As she walked out beginning to look for me in the huge crowd of people waiting for their loved ones, I started running towards her. She saw me and dropped all her bags just to open her arms into a big hug.

"Amanda, I missed you so much" I said while we hugged. "You have no idea"

I could hear Amanda crying a bit. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of years, and now, as a surprise, we'd be together for a week! "I missed you too, Joey"

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