Chapter 4

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I stared at the wall with the collage on my wall.
Why did she do it? Just why...
"You told me to write it down, the wrong number"
"I wish I had stayed, I would've murdered her"
"For goodness sake, I messed it up."
Those sentences kept circling through my head like someone was there saying them to me over and over again.I need to find out the reason why she did that...Evie your such a backstabber.

I went to school 2 weeks later and I saw my best friend again and we were very happy to see eachother again.I told her about what happened over the summer holidays and how much I miss year 9.
'Don't worry, it's fine everyone misses the previous year and it's not even that bad Year 10.'
Little does she know is I have a cousin that's in Year 12 and she went to the same school as me and she said Year 10 is absolutely dreadful.
'Yeah I guess so.' I replied to Amy walking to English.

The bell rang and it was time for break.I sat down with Evie,Amy,Maya,Kristine and Olivia.We had a good old laugh and I took stupid photos of us on my phone.As always.
Evie said how much i'm a spoilt brat just for having an Iphone 13 Pro Max.But the rest of the squad stood up for me and said 'How about you shut up,Evie.'
Evie walked away and we sat there, laughing our heads off as Evie turned back around and ran up to me to give me a hug.
I turned to face the Squad and did the "shock eyes" at them.
'I love you, Dune!Be my bestie please!'
I ignored her and pushed her off me.
'Get off me Evie! I don't want to be your friend, I found Amy, my favourite person so go away please I don't want you in my life anymore so please just Go Away!' I shouted at her then she ran off.
I really didn't mean it.
'Um Dune, I think you made her cry' said Maya and Olivia.
'Oh well I don't care, thats what she gets for calling me a spoilt brat and saying that i'm fake and backstabbed her but she's the one who backstabbed me and told me lies all this time even my dad knows how much I truly deeply hate her.'

I sprinted home.It's finally end of the day away from all the drama that I've apparently caused at school.I just wanted to get home, where my comfort zone is.

I sit up in my bed on my phone scrolling through Instagram.I see lots of photos of beautiful beautiful girls bodies and I wish I had one like that.I know i'm skinny and pretty and all, but I wish I was like them beautiful hourglass-shaped bodies.Unlike me.

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