Part 8 - Red, Ice and Shock

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After an hour of terrain mapping, he got to a large room with a kitchen. He was raiding the fridge before he even knew he was hungry.


A cough from behind him alerted him to a presence.

He used the reflection in the fridge to assess the unknown.

The woman was dressed in black with red hair. She had an intimidating aura, but Gabe felt she wasn't actively trying to pose a threat.

He turned and flashed a small smile at her. She quirked a brow and smirked back.

"Hi. I'm Harvey. I have been given temporary residence in the building and Tony has been notified." He reported.

Her smirk never left her, but her eyes had a hint more sadness than before.

"I'm Black Widow." She spoke.

"Black, Willow? I don't know why you are introducing your name backwards Miss. Black, but it's nice to meet you."


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Natasha found him amusing. He was either really dumb, which she doubted or he was really smart and only acting dumb. She considered maybe he was a little dumb and a little smart. A bit like Clint.

"Black Widow is my codename."

"Oh. Should I use one?" Harvey asked tilting his head.

"You already did. That's why I gave mine." Harvey smiled at her and chuckled.

"You caught that, did you? Not even Tony could tell I was lying, but he seems to have continued to make it my name instead." Natasha chuckled. That was just like Tony.

"Welcome to the Tower. I'm Natasha. Your name is Gabe, correct?" He smiled.

"A spy?" Gabe laughed. Natasha tilted her head to imitate him.

"I'll take the imitation tactic as a sign that you are. It's nice to meet you, Natasha. I think we will get along." He smiled. He shook his head and turned back to the fridge.

"You want anything, Natasha?" The room was silent and when he turned back around she was gone.

"Dramatic. You could have just said you weren't hungry." Gabe laughed.



Gabe was leaning over the table eating a bowl of cereal after having stuffed his face with random fridge raid foods. He was putting the spoon in his mouth when he heard talking coming down the hall.

Tony walked through to the common room with Point Break and Capsicle. When he entered the room, he saw Harvey eating cereal.

He ran over yelling, "Harvey!"

"Tony!" Harvey yelled back.

"Are you alright? Did she do anything?" He whispered conspiratorially when he was near.

"I'm better. Little embarrassed. She didn't do anything yet, but she will." He looked over Tony's shoulder at the two men.

"Who are your blonde friends?" He turned back to Tony. Tony had a fake annoyed look on his face.

"The one in armour is point break and the one carrying the shield is Capsicle." Harvey waved and then went back to his cereal.

" Harvey waved and then went back to his cereal

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The man dubbed 'Harvey' went back to his cereal so Steve spoke up.

"Hi. My name is actually Steve. I'm Captain America." Harvey lifted his head.

"I didn't know America had its own designated Captain. I'm Gabriel Harvey Miller. Army." Steve quirked a brow.

"Which Army?"

"The Army of who gives a shit. I'm home now and my sisters would kill me if I even thought about rejoining."

"Language!" Tony laughed.

"Huh..." Gabe mumbled with his spoon in his mouth.

"Nothing." Steve brushed off.

"Not nothing." Tony brushed back on.

"It's what Capsicle said on a mission."

"A long time ago, but it won't go away."

"And it never will."

"Steve you may as well give up. It won't stop until both Tony AND you are dead. That's something I've begun to understand about Tony. He's a lovable Assbutt."

"Assbutt?" Tony laughed.

"What? You said language." Gabe snickered. Steve groaned.


After Steve groaned, Thor bellowed.

"Man of Iron, your friend is quite amusing."

"Why thank you Point break." Gabe smiled.

"Thor of Asgard if you will."

"Ok. ToA it is. So Thursday, want anything to eat?"

"ToA? Thursday? I do not understand."

"ToA. Thor of Asgard. And Thursday is because the name supposedly used to be 'Thor's Day' until it changed."

Thor appreciated the explanation, but the new nicknames were not.

"Just Thor is enough tiny Midgardian." Gabe's polite smile fell.

"Did he just call me tiny?" Gabe stood up and he was smaller than Thor.


A/N: I just really want to have him meet more avengers so the chaos could expand. 😂


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