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On a different night when Josi still can't find sleep, she goes on another night time tour around the mansion.

The topic this time is the future's uncertainty. Say she manages to find a spot amidst Idris's world. What happens when he decides he's no longer interested in her? What happens if decides he's ready to move on and casts her aside? There's no absolute certainty of how deep Idris's feelings really are.

Then there are the unforeseen conflicts she may not be prepared to handle. There are bound to be variables unaccounted for. What happens if the plan just doesn't work?

A bit discouraging, but Josi will pull through. In her desire to see Idris Night Verdonni succumb to misery, she has already made up her mind. She has to guarantee the safety of her family. Of Bradley. And of herself. But most of all, she has to guarantee her freedom.

Revenge is best served in doses larger than the original sum. So Josi will keep up the act. If worst comes to worst, she will get down on her knees and beg for forgiveness. Maybe Idris will find it in his heart to pardon her.

Josi laughs at the thought.

There's no set destination for this journey, but one is soon granted when she walks past a parlor. There's a figure inside, and upon closer inspection, Josi realizes it's Idris. It seems sleep hasn't come to him either.

He's seated behind a grand piano with a cigarette. At this rate, he may just fall over from cancer, and Josi's quest for revenge will be fulfilled much sooner than later. What an idealistic reality.

But if Josi wants some variation of that reality true, she needs to make the first move. She sucks a breath in and heads inside the parlor.

Idris doesn't seem too surprised. He just allows her the empty seat next to him, all while he keeps up with his cigarette.

"You play the piano?" Josi asks.

Idris shakes his head no. "I don't know why this is here."

How could he not be made aware of the ornaments in his own home? Josi sighs and turns back to the instrument. She presses keys at random to get a feel of its condition. It hasn't yet lost its quality. A waste, truly.

"Don't tell me you used to play the piano." Says Idris.

"No, why?"

"Because that sounded terrible."

Josi just stares at him, then decides to let it go. "I wasn't playing seriously. But my dad used to."

Idris looks at her this time, the smoke from his cigarette filtering into the air.

"He used to play for my mom and I when I was little. But then he stopped. Maybe he grew tired of it, I don't know." She shrugs. "He was the sole reason I wanted to become a teacher. That and the fact that I adore kids." The memories begin surfacing, but soon dial down when Josi sees the suspecting look Idris gives her. "What?"

He pulls the cigarette from his mouth. "I just don't understand why you would want to work in a filthy vicinity such as a school."

"What do you have against education?"


A pause. And then, "Don't tell me you were at the bottom of your class."

"Contrary, actually." He tells her. "The people just weren't very obedient."

Josi almost gasps. "You were a bully?" She's not sure why it comes out as a surprise. It's right on brand with his image.

Idris scoffs, insulted by her accusation. "I wasn't a bully. I simply told them to do things for me and if they didn't, there would be consequences."

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