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The church is partly empty. It's open to the public, free for anyone willing to drop in for a simple prayer. Ainse steps in and is immediately welcomed by tranquility. He walks past the empty rows on his way to the front where he takes a seat. He's the only one in that section, so he takes all the time he needs.

A visitor comes to Ainse once he's done offering a short prayer. He doesn't turn to see who it is, because he already knows. He knows because he'd been counting on it. He'd set up the bait and she'd taken it. Just as planned.

Josi takes a seat next to Ainse and does nothing more. They sit there under the tranquility the church brings, but Ainse knows things are only calm on his end. Josi is in nowhere near the amount of peace he's currently in. Her jittering makes it obvious. She's anxious.

"'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths'. Proverbs three, verse five."

Josi frowns. "You're a profound Christian now?"

Ainse merely chuckles. "Why, I live a relatively normal life, Ms. Cade. I make sure to get a solid eight hours of sleep and by the hour of nine, I'm awake and ready to go about my day. I like my coffee with cream and a piece of toast to go with it. I keep my alcohol intake to a minimum and get enough exercise so I don't fall behind. You know, self care is very important."

Josi just stares at him, unsure of what to make of all this information.

"All of this," Ainse gestures towards the ring Idris gave him. The one that solidifies his position as underboss. "Is a part of my life just as much as your family is part of yours."

"Why does it matter so much?"

Ainse answers with his own question. "Do you know who gave me this scar?"

Josi doesn't respond.

"Bruno Verdonni."

A beat passes, until the truth has cemented itself enough in the air.

"I made a mistake once," Ainse traces the thin line over his face as he speaks. "As punishment, he used a knife to cut across my face in front of an audience. He wanted the cut clean and precise, you see. So he told me to hold still." He even laughs. "Classic Bruno."

Josi is visibly puzzled. After all, an incident such as that shouldn't warrant laughter. But she has no idea what this scar means for him. This is not just some injury. It has a deeper meaning. It's a wound he's proud of.

"Bruno Verdonni was a fine leader. He was smart and charismatic — funny, at times. He had a certain aura that captivated everyone around him. And by that, I mean respect. He didn't have to do much to gain it. He was vicious and unapologetic. Didn't take nonsense from anyone." Ainse pauses and looks at the ring once again. "Bruno Verdonni was my hero."

"But then he died . . ."

"But then he died." Ainse sighs. "And now his son has filled in for him."

Josi has some words of her own to add, but Ainse doesn't give her the chance. He keeps up with his speech.

"My father once told me women are most scariest when angered." He says. "I knew from the first day we got acquainted that Idris's attitude would surely get him into trouble. And here we are." He turns to Josi with his usual smile. The one that keeps his true thoughts hidden for him alone to see.

The one he knows gets under her skin. "What do you want?"

"There are lots of things I want. A new rug, a house on the beach, a new suit. And I'm currently craving a massage."

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