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Later that day, Croff takes Josi out to a botanical garden. He has been tasked with keeping his eye on her while Idris manages the conflict at bay. He's wary around her, but is also undoubtedly worried. So he stalks somewhere far behind Josi and watches her tour the garden.

To say Croff was distressed is an understatement. Witnessing the blood drain free from that grotesque wound. Watching the life quickly fade from her eyes. The knife lodged so deep in her flesh. The icy feel of her skin. He'd practically teleported Josi to the hospital with the way he ran with her in his arms.

Croff hasn't been this frightened in years — not since he was locked up in that hellhole. The possibility of losing Josi has never truly occurred to him, but now it's as much of a reality as his feelings are. There was no time for rest, not while Josi laid unconscious for hours, which eventually turned to days. He'd even charged himself with watching over Idris — an excuse he fabricated so he could check in on Josi without much suspicion.

There was anger. Anger at the supposed perpetrator. But Idris beat him to it. He'd shot Emilio somewhere nonlethal, then dragged him down to the underground chamber for what Croff knows was payback. It's sill unclear if Emilio's body is there. The last Croff saw of him, he'd been mutilated down to his bones, eyes wide open in shock from the torture Idris put him through.

Josi has a message she wants to relay to Croff, but he's too far away to do so. Instead, she motions towards the area where the restrooms are, then leaves before Croff can confirm with her. He breathes a sigh and takes a seat on the steps leading down to the pond enclosure.

How tiring love is. So confounding and peculiar. A woman he knows he can't and will never have — the same woman who has caused him nights with no rest. What is it about Josi that makes him feel this way, this lost and hopeless. There are plenty women out there, ones he knows will give him more attention than Josi ever has. Still, he's stuck on her. He wants the attention solely from Josi. But that will never come to pass for obvious reasons.

Croff is pulled back to his senses by a tap on his shoulder. Josi is there with a hand over her stomach. "I need the painkillers."

Croff hands it to her with no more than a nod for acknowledgement. He doesn't even look at her — just keeps his eyes on the wide pond ahead.

Josi notices this and goes quiet, then says, with no conviction, "Is this how you treat a woman in pain? You're so heartless."

Croff shuts his eyes and sighs. He knows there's no weight behind her words. She said it to provoke a response out of him. And it works. He pats the empty spot next to him with eyes still ahead.

Josi smiles and steps closer, but doesn't take a seat just yet. Croff is puzzled at first, until she points to the space between his legs with nothing short of entitlement.

"I want to sit there."

Croff is so staggered, he can't even think - and he isn't given the chance to do so either. Josi makes herself comfortable between his legs, her back to his chest, as though it were a common gesture between the two. And Croff just lets it happen.

The two are doused in silence, rollicking in the ebb and flow of the wind, captured by the calming view before them. The lily pads come in green and yellow shades, with flowers in pink flourishing in the center. The rest of the garden can be seen behind the pond, but only it alone draws their attention.

"How's the injury?" Croff asks.

Josi looks down at the wounded area. "Doctor said I shouldn't exert too much energy or the stitches will weaken. Other than that, it's doing great."

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