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By the time the news hits Idris, he's already been beaten down by more bad news. He just lost his second nightclub due to monetary reasons, and now only one remains. But it will soon follow in the others' footsteps. Then he'll be left with nothing, because now he has nothing much to his name. Even his hotel isn't safe. Give it a couple more weeks and they'll tear it away from him.

Just a few seconds ago, he put his penthouse up on the market. Since he's cutting it loose, it's best to garner as much income as he can. So now all he has is the estate, which is still quite a lot to take care of, and a couple cars which haven't yet been sold.

Now he's receiving another phone call. A phone call. It seems no one wants to meet with him face to face any longer. Why should they? His name and reputation has sunk deep, and now all he has to show for his power is the mansion he's currently in.

Some of the guards have quit, as there's nothing more holding them there other than a man who they once thought was great. Well, let them leave. Idris never cared for them anyway. They were all cannon fodder, hired to do his bidding. He'll be just fine without them.

The voice over the phone tells Idris Six was found dead. Lost his life to some cruel torture measures. They tell him he was barely recognizable, and that he'd been subjected to the torture with his family at home. Right under their noses.

Idris just sits there on the couch and listens. He says nothing. He does nothing. The voice tells him Six is now in the mortuary, then they give him something along the lines of condolence. They even give him time to voice his own thoughts. Share a few words. But Idris doesn't. He sits in silence until the line goes dead.

Well, there it is. The next prey, caught up in some supernatural cause Idris knows nothing about. He stares off into space, mind and body weary, eyes heavy with lethargy. Perhaps he should just wait for his time to come. In fact, they should come for him this very moment. He won't resist. How can he resist something he can't fight?

Josi steps into the bedroom while Idris is still in the midst of his turmoil. But when he looks at her, all that seems to subside. There she is.

"Josita . . ." And before he knows it, all his emotions work their way up like bile. She looks at him with those same eyes, those eyes that carry so much warmth. Warmth for him. She must be aware of the torment he's currently in, because her face drops into worry.

"What's wrong?" She asks him.

Idris doesn't know where to begin. He doesn't want to begin. He just wants the affliction gone, so he rises up and embraces her. When she completes the embrace, he feels a little better. Not enough though. He's not sure what else to do. His life has made a complete 180. He doesn't even know where or how it began, but it has buried in him an anguish so great, he's become unlike himself. He's starting to forget how he was previously.

Idris sinks down to his knees, still holding on to Josi. He holds her waist and buries his face in her abdomen, almost like a child. "I don't know what's happening, Josita. Why is this happening to me?"

She doesn't respond to him, only pats his head, almost like a mother. Meanwhile, Idris remains there on his knees, latching on to her. "Tell me you love me."

Josi looks down at him, in some thoughts of her own. Then she clasps his cheeks and brings his face up to meet hers. The warmth in those hands is relaxing. He needs more if he wants that icy feeling in his chest melted away. She even begins caressing his cheeks, smoothly. Gently. And then she smiles. Once again, the warmth in her eyes.

"I love you."

And despite all his agony, Idris smiles. He leans his head against Josi, closes his eyes, and remains there on his knees, wrapped up in her warmth. With this curse that has been placed upon him, at least he still has Josi.

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