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I love mornings, even though waking up early was nothing that lies within my nature but i admired how the morning sun bathed the city in golden lights I liked how peaceful it was in the morning it gave peace to my mind.

As I enjoyed my tea on my windowsill I thought about what was going to come for today UA was like a dream for so many people including me it was like the next step to my dream and I had no intention of ruining it for myself. When aizawa told me he was a teacher at UA I wasn't even surprised if I thought about it then his way of caring for me fit . Now i had to become strong so I won't be the person that needs to be cared for i don't ever want to feel weak again.

A knock on my door made me come back to reality.

„I brought your uniform you should get dressed!" I heard Aizawa say as he entered my room and put the clothes on my chair.

„yes thank you!"u said not minding his presence as I turned to look out the window again.

„don't worry too much okay?" he says leaving the room not waiting for my answer, he knew that I would not want to talk about it, but he knew a few ways to assure me.

As I stood up and walked over to the clothes I did like the design however it was strange wearing a skirt I could not remember the last time i wore one. As I slipped on the knee-high socks I looked at myself It was a whole other person staring at me and it took a ton of work for me to get to this point but even now I could not be satisfied with what I was seeing and I don't think I will ever be satisfied.

I walked into the bathroom and started to brush my hair as my eyes caught a glimpse of my medication I took one hesitated but slipped the rest into my pockets .

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Aizawa sitting at the breakfast table he wasn't a morning person so mornings were quiet most of the time.
The comforting smell of coffee calmed my mind it was something i connected with aizawa even at the hospital he always had a coffee it was one of the few fond memories I had of that time .

I sit down beside him with a toast in my hand and in the corner of my eye I saw that he turned to look at me his eyes were warm and kind.

„you will have to go to school alone today I am going early since I have a meeting with the principal!"he says
I nod knowing asking what it was about wouldn't do much as he probably wasn't allowed to tell me anyway. He stood up putting away his cup after he took his jacket and goes to the front door.

„I'll be going now don't be late okay !" He says and pauses for a moment.
„you'll be alright okay don't worry kid"he says assuring me he knew I was anxious even if didn't say anything I smile lightly, since I left the hospital many things changed the effects my quirk had on my emotions lessened and I am able to feel things again even if it wasn't much .

Being so in thoughts I didn't realize how time went by it was already time to go to scool , even thinking that made me feel strange I didn't think I'd ever got to do something like this.

The walk to the school was a short one but I decided to take the long way trough the park it was spring so the cherry blossoms trees were blooming beautifully it always was my favorite time of the year I stopped at the lake for a moment taking in the view of the sun rising painting the water in Beautyfull colors it was so beautiful that I didn't even notice the boy walk behind me.

As Bakugou walked by he noticed me at the side of the way looking at the view and something about me was familiar. Something about the cherry blossoms leaves falling and the sun shining onto the white hair catches him.He looked at me for a moment stopping instinctively something was pulling him in and for a moment he just stood there frozen before he ignored the feeling walking by and to the scool not knowing who i was walking by.

After I while I notice how spaced out I was shaking my head and turning to go on. I couldn't shake the nervousness it's been a long time since she was around so many people I couldn't even remember the last time I been around so many new people it just wasn't something in my nature the whole situation of being the new student was scary. I remember what aizawa said this morning and try to shake of some of the fear that was rising I couldn't loose control I wasn't even in scool yet .

When I arrive I stopped for a moment looking at the massive building in front of me would I have known what all was about to happen I probably would have turned around .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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