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it had already been a few days since everything had happened most of the time i was sleeping or they were doing tests on me. since it is not possible for me to eat normal food i am now being fed artificially and they are giving me supplements.

aizawa had brought me some clothes, some comfy pants and sweaters and they are giving me medication to keep my body calm and not trigger my quirk.

I was still under constant surveillance and aizawa was here every day, he had told me that he had taken time off from his real job, but he had not told me what he was doing other than being a hero.

I was still not allowed to get up and take a shower, but I was brought washcloths from the nurses to clean me up a bit, which also took a lot out of my strength.

my wounds were well healed which according to the doctors is due to my quirk that they couldn't deactivate completely , but I was constantly exhausted and the return of memories kept me from getting really restful sleep.

"can i come in?" there was a knock on the door and i recognized the voice immediately. aizawa entered the room carrying a small bag.

"the nurses said that you are allowed to take a shower, but only with supervision, so they lowered your dosage of tranquilizers. since we are not aware of your quirk, we must assume that your quirk could be triggered by it, in which case we must intervene!" he explained calmly while putting the bag on my lap and sitting on the chair next to me.

I nodded

"will a nurse attend to me? they said i can't get up yet but most of them seem to still be afraid "i said that as i opened the bag

"yes a nurse will be there but me and a doctor will also supervise the whole thing of course not in the same room, you will have privacy but only limited!" he seemed serious and yet he talked a bit funny. normally I would not have agreed to the whole thing but right now the thought of a hot shower is heaven to me because even though I have been cleaned up by the nurses I still smell bad my hair is all greasy and unkempt as it has grown over the years.

I must say that I like the long hair  very much  the fact that I have lost a lot of body weight not so much I am actually always cold but this was even worse ,at least the hair gives me some warmth because they are so long.

While aizawa went to get the nurse and the doctor I tried to move to the side of the bed and sit up the many tubes were in the way and my bones hurt but I managed on my own and was a bright spot I hope I can get out of here soon.

Then it hit me I didn't know where to go aizawa said that my parents had put money aside for me but after these hospital costs it won't be enough for much I think .

My thoughts were interrupted when aizawa came back into the room and I had to say I noticed how my heartbeat was getting faster I could feel it clearly.

I ignored that and concentrated on the nurse who came to me.

"I'm going to take the IV off and the feeding tube will be taken out as well, it might be a little uncomfortable!" she put on her gloves and pulled out the tube that went through my nose.
I felt that they had curbed the dose of my medication. She blocked the tube of the infusion and unscrewed one end, she stuck the rest of the tube to my arm.

"We don't want that in the way when showering the plasters and bandages we must change after the shower!" she explained calmly and you noticed that she probably worked for a long time in this profession.

Aizawa brought a wheelchair to us and put it next to my bed.

Her voice was still calm but I could tell she was careful about everything she did, she reached under my arms, counted to three and helped me stand up. My legs trembled slightly as I pushed my legs through.

I looked over to aizawa und he had a small smile on his lips he nodded as the nurse sat me on wheelchair .
The change of light gave me a slight headache as i was brought into another room but even then a little peace laid in the air .

I got up again with the help of the nurse as she helped me to undress and to enter the shower I huffed as I sat down on the chair that they gave me, my bones thanked me for the little movements I made.

She left to the other side of the room to give me some privacy as I lifted my arm even if it was not that easy it kind of felt like it was still a little paralyzed from the medication . The water started to flow as i inhaled the steam I looked to the ground the water that left trough the drain wasn't clear it had the color of blood and dirt in it  I felt my hard skip a beat at the sight but I tried to suppress the feeling that dared to spill and closed my eyes only listening to drops of water I felt like I was washing of the events that happened at least I tried .

I was feeling dirty not because of dirt but the events that happened it all made me feel sick to my stomach.

Burned out (bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now