ꕥ Amaranthus;

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Those flowers are alluring, captivating, and elegant. But did you know how deadly they are? They grow and killed all the other flowers beside. They withered off and died, because their fiery foe sucked up the dew. They might hurt you in a way no human could. They might kill you, no matter how beautiful they look. They're poisonous; for its pestilent fragrance was death.

The alarm clock in platinum-chrome sings each morning, signaling the transition from sleepy dreams to wakeful happenings. This morning, it was about the 4th time the alarm rings. The green haired boy opened his eye at last, the alarm finally woke him up. It feels a bit heavy to wake up from his sleep this morning, unlike the other mornings.

Oh, so Herb was just sleeping.

He looked around the bed. It's so messy, there's a lot of yellow petals all over the sheets. All the things that happened to him last night strike into him like a thunder. Followed by the aching sensation inside his chest. There's probably a whole garden stays inside his lungs now. "I thought I was dead..." He yawned.

"But this doesn't make any sense," Herb continues as he shakes his head. Never in his life he heard about something as silly as coughing up flowers, beside, he's pretty sure that there is NO flowers on earth that are capable of growing inside someone's body. Really, his whole life has been about flowers and plants, nature and herbs but not a single thing that makes him sure flowers could grow inside someone's body.

Herb jumped down from his bed and vaguely walk towards the bathroom, the stinging pain in his chest begin to take over as he coughs up some more petals. He crawled to the bath tub and fills it with warm water, he sat and hug his own knees, starring at the petals that are now floating on the water.

"What am I supposed to do now?" He mumbled and touches the petal.

Should he really see the doctor? But what is the doctor going to say about 'coughing up flowers'? That's sounds like some kind of curse instead of disease. Should he go to see Wizard? Or Pure Vanilla? Because who knows; Maybe he is cursed. But again, who did? Herb never got in trouble with anyone, really. Herb always so nice to everyone, despite how shy he is. He never hurts even a single ant.

"This is because I'm being selfish, am I?" Herb drowns half of his face into the warm water. The floating petal that are now touching his nose gently messed up his mind.


What if Sparkling knows about this? Would he be scared of Herb? Would he be disgusted? Imagine if Sparkling knows the reason why he's cursed now; his selfishness, his heart remains un-pure for it is filled with jealousy over his own friend. He would be disgusted for sure. How he wishes he could just sink into the water now. But oh... speak about water, he needs to go to work today. If he didn't... those poor, innocent plants... those flowers would be sad.



Flowers that grow where he dwells, those tenacious blossoms of the city streets, born to take whatever comes their way and make beauty of it, Herb does admire them. It is as if they call for some trees to accompany them, to make the city streets brighter, to refresh the air that we breathe. There are times I feel that they are nature's graffiti, that chaotic rebellious element cheering people on. Were the flowers growing in Herb chest are in order to brighten him up? Was his heart a gloomy place that the flower tries to make a living out of it? To cheer him up? Was his heart an ugly place that the flowers try to make beauty out of it?

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