Chapter Four [Edited]

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                 [SELINA FROST]

Robert and I stood outside of Mary Margaret's apartment, where we knew that Miss Swan was now living. 

Robert knocked on the door and Mary Margaret, who was a beautiful woman with short black hair and skin as white as snow, opened the door. "Miss Blanchard," said Robert. "Is Miss Swan here?"

Mary Margaret nodded and Emma came to the door.

"Hi, my name is Mr. Gold," said Robert, giving her his hand to shake. She shook it in return. "We met briefly on your arrival."

"I remember," she said.

"Good," said Robert. "And this is my colleague, Mrs. Frost," he said. I smiled at them both.

"Hi," I said. "You can just call me Selina."

Emma nodded. "It's nice to meet you, Selina."

"Anyway, we have a proposition for you, Miss Swan," said Robert. "We uh we need your help. We're looking for someone..."

Emma looked at Mary Margaret for a quick second until she looked back at us. "Really? Um...."

There was a long silence until Mary Margaret said, "You know what, I'm going to jump in the bath," she said, walking off.

"I have a photo," he said, giving it to her. Robert and I walked in. "Her name is Ashley Boyd and she's taken something quite valuable of mine."

Emma shut the door. "So, why don't you just go to the police?"

"Well, because uh she's a confused young woman, she's pregnant, alone, scared. Mr. Gold and I don't want to ruin this young girl's life," I said.

"Yes, and we just want the property returned," said Robert.

"What is it?" asked Emma.

"Well, one of the advantages of you not being the police is discretion. Let's just say it's a precious object and leave it at that."

"When did you two see her last?" asked Emma.

"Last night," Robert and I said at the same time. We locked eyes with each other before looking back at Emma.

Robert moved his hair out of the way, showing Emma his gash. "That's how I got this."

"It's really so unlike her," I said. "I know Ashley. She's a good person, we um... used to be friends."

"Yes, I agree," said Robert. "She was quite wound up, rambling on and on about changing her life. I have no idea what got into her." Emma then smiled as if she knew something. She looked down at the photo. "Miss Swan, please help us find her. Our only other choice is the police, and I don't think anyone wants to see that baby born in jail, now do they?"

"No," said Emma, crossing her arms. "Of course not."

"So, you'll help us then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I will help her," she replied.

"Grand," said Robert.

Then Emma's door opened. It was Henry. "Hey, Emma, I was thinking we'd..." Henry stopped to look at both me and Robert. It was like he was afraid of us. I can understand being afraid of Mr. Gold... but me?

"Hey Henry," said Robert. "How're you?" he asked.

"Okay," Henry awkwardly replied.

"Good," said Robert. "Give my regards to your mother. And um... good luck, Miss Swan," said Robert. "Hey, um... Selina..." started Robert.

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