Part II | Chapter Fifty One

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Rumple and I drove in silence to the small cemetery StoryBrooke had. It was time for Rumple to visit his son.

I looked at him in the corner of my eye, and noticed that he started to cry. "Oh Rumple," I said. "Let's pull over," he pulled over to the side of the road.

He put the car in park, and looked at me, solemn upon his face. I frowned and grabbed a hold of his shaking hand. "We don't have to do this today if you are not ready, you know," I said. "Baelfire would understand if you need more time." I rub my thumb over his knuckles, his hand still shaking.

"I know...I know, but I've waited too long. I need to do this, Li."

I nodded. "Only if you're sure. Do you want me to drive the rest of the way?"

He nodded his head. "Only if you promise to not get us into a car crash," he somewhat smiled.

I smiled back and let out a chuckle. "I won't get us into a car crash. That wasn't even my fault! It was Leroy's!"

Rumple then laughed. I smiled a bit wider. I loved it when he laughed, it was the best sound in the world.

Rumple then took my hand and kissed it gently. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I replied.

I then got out of my side of the car, whilst he got out of the drivers seat. Once we switched, we finally got back on the road, and reached the cemetery. I parked right outside of it.

He took in a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's okay," I smiled weakly. "You can do this, love."

Rumple nodded. I gave him one last hand squeeze before he got out of the car to approach his son's grave.

I stayed in the car, as I know Rumple wanted some alone time with his son. It was a vulnerable moment for him, thus it was something he needed to do alone.


After Liana gave me one last hand squeeze, I got out of the passenger seat and approached my son's grave. "My boy," I started. "Remember when you were small, there was a night during the ogre's war? There was a terrible noise. It was horses' hooves thundering down the dusty path. You crawled into my bed, and I can still hear your little voice: 'Papa, I'm afraid.' And I guess by instinct, I just said, 'don't worry son. Everything is gonna be fine.' And you smiled at me. You know, that was the happiest moment of my life because for the first time ever, I felt like a man, that I could truly look after you, alone... until I discovered, this..." I took out my dark one dagger. I wasn't sure if he could see I was holding it or not, but it was worth the chance. "It turned me into a monster, obsessed with power, when all I needed was you, your love. And now, through Liana, there's love in my life again. I only have it... to avenge your death. Liana gave it back to me, to trust that I wouldn't, but I couldn't—I couldn't not avenge your death. I can't. I needed to avenge you, my son. And now, that I've done so, I really need the strength to give it back, be the man that I should be, the man you died for. And I pledge Baelfire, I will be that man. Your heroism... has shown me the way. I promise. I'll spend my life repaying you for that." I put the dagger back into my pocket before pressing my lips to my fingers, and then my fingers to the grave. "I love you son, forever."

A tear dripped down my cheek, as I looked at the grave one last time before turning around to leave.


"Liana," Rumple said, as he came back to the car. He sat in the passenger seat. "I need to tell you something, something that may break our relationship."

My heart started pounding in my chest. Break our relationship. What does he mean? Did he start seeing Belle again? Or Cora? "What is it?" I blurted out.

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