Chapter Forty-Five

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The charming's had agreed to let me try to get through to Rumple without retrieving the dagger.

We were at the farmhouse where Zelena has been staying. We were just outside the storm cellar where Rumple must be getting held.

"All clear," stated Emma. "There's no sign of Zelena. It looks like she's still keeping Gold in the cellar.

With Emma's permission, I quickly ran into the storm cellar and down the stairs. My eyes widened when I saw him. "Rumple?" I questioned.

"Liana?" His eyes widened.

"I've come to free you sweetheart," I said.

"No," he stated. "Leave. Leave. You have no idea what this witch will make me do to you. I've already lost Bae because of her, I can't lose you too." I frowned. "She can't see you with me."

"Rumple, I'm not afraid, alright? I know you would never hurt me on purpose."

"It's futile, as long as she holds the dagger, I can't leave."

"I'm not leaving without you," I said, my eyes locking with his brown ones. His eyes looked hurt, that they could cry at any moment.

"It's not worth the risk, love," he said. "I don't want you getting hurt."

"Just try, please. You have to believe in us," I stated, as I offered him my hand. Rumple stood up. I smiled.

"Run!" He yelled.

I narrowed my eyes. "What?"

"Run! Go!"

Zelena laughed. She was here all along... "Don't let be. Carry on. I was just enjoying the show."

Looking at Rumple one last time, I flee the cellar. "Liana?" Emma asked.

"Over here," said David.

"It was a trick," I cried. "She was toying with us."

I watched as Rumple came out of the cellar. "Zelena sends a message. She will face Regina a no one interferes. Next time you try to stop her I will kill you."

I gulped and met Rumple's eyes again. I could tell that's not what he wanted to say, and that he was sorry for something that wasn't his fault.


Pretty much everyone in town was gathered at Main Street, waiting to see the fight between Regina and The Wicked Witch.

Zelena was there with Rumple waiting for Regina who still hadn't shown up. Rumple and I locked eyes. I have to steal the dagger from her if I want Rumple back.

I could very much tell Rumple didn't want to be here with the way he was standing. He looked very distraught.
My heart ached for him. "Time's up," said Zelena. "Who'd you wanna kill first, Rumple?" Zelena then noticed the eye contact Rumple was giving me. She chuckled. "I see. You want to kill her? Your little girlfriend?"

Emma then stepped forward. "He's not killing anyone," she said. "Especially not the love of his life. If you wanna fight someone, fight me Zelena."

"Sorry dear," she replied, smirking. "I don't dance with amateurs."

With a stern face, Emma said, "I'm not an amateur. I'm the savior."

"Looks like someone has an inflated sense of self-worth," Zelena commented, looking at Rumple, who then directed his dark magic at Emma who ended up falling backwards. I caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Thanks," Emma mumbled.

"No problem," I stated, letting her out of my arms.

"Anybody else wanna give it a go?" Zelena asked. I gritted my teeth, and before I could start using my magic, Regina showed up.

"I do," Regina smiled. We as a crowd made room for her to approach Zelena. "Didn't anyone tell you?" she questioned. "Black is my color."

Zelena chuckled. "But it looks so much better on me. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up."

"I couldn't let my sister off that easily," said Regina. My eyes widened. Since when was Zelena Regina's sister?

"So," Zelena said, pausing for a second. "You've finally accepted me into the family?"

"I've accepted that we shared a mother, yes," Regina replied. Oh. That makes sense. Zelena is Regina's half sister. That explains why they look nothing alike, but Zelena kind of looks like Cora, especially with her flaming red hair. "But I still have one question: What the hell did I ever do to you?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Zelena questioned. I furrowed my eyebrows. "You were born."

I almost gasp as Regina slaps Zelena in the face. I cover my mouth with my hands. "I've been waiting to do that all day," stated Regina.

"Rumplestiltskin can't save you this time," Zelena replied. The fight had begun. This was it. This was my chance to retrieve the dagger and get Rumple back safe and sound.


Rumple now stands in between both Zelena and Regina. "He should've chosen me," Zelena said.

"Who?" Regina questioned.

"Rumplestiltskin," Zelena replied.

"That's what this is about?" Regina asked. "You're jealous of me?" Regina looked up. She focused her magical energy at the traffic lights, hanging just above them. The lights fall down, almost hitting Zelena. Zelena used her magical energy to change the direction, making sure it wouldn't hurt her. I jumped, that almost gave me a heart attack.

"You still don't realize what you had. You never did. You got everything I ever wanted and you didn't even deserve it. But I am gonna take it all from you."

Zelena pushed Regina, causing Regina to tip backwards, smashing into a blue car. "My Miata," said Doc.

I watched as Regina used her strength to stood back up and approach Zelena. Regina formed a ball of fire in her hand. As soon as she was about to throw it at Zelena, Zelena blew it out, like a candle on a birthday cake. My heart starts to pound as I watched Zelena move her sister up into the air whilst choking her. "You can't beat me, little sis. Everything Rumplestiltskin taught you, he taught me, too. But I was the better student." I gasped as Zelena sent Regina flying through the clock tower window. She teleports herself away, and I soon remember that I was supposed to retrieve the dagger. I look around and notice that Rumple wasn't there. Where'd he go off to?
And then it hit me, he went back to the farmhouse storm cellar where he was being held. I had to figure out a way to save Rumple. He can't be a slave to evil forever.


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