Chapter Forty-Eight

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Liana's POV.

After Rumple absorbed Neal, and the witch took control of him, I fled and found the Charmings once more. I figured Rumple would want me to be with people I knew, people who would keep me safe. So, I rode my horse to the Evil Queen's palace, with my cloak covering my head.

I was finally at the Evil Queen's palace. Being here just reminded me of the time she kept me locked up. I shivered.

"There's nothing dangerous about rallying our people," Charming said. It looks like I just entered an argument...

"You're announcing you're pregnant. It's not like you invented the wheel," said Regina, as I made the horse stop galloping.

I take off my hood to show my face and got off the horse.

"Liana!" Snow said with excitement.

I only smiled weakly at her. "Are you okay?" asked Charming. "When you and Neal disappeared, we feared the worst."

I cleared my throat. "We... um... we went off to see, if we could revive the Dark One."

"What happened?" Regina asked.

I gulped. "Neal was able to bring him back," I said, sighing. "However, it was at the cost of his own life. Trust me, I tried to stop him, but he went through with it anyway."

Regina smiled. "Rumple's alive."

I looked over to see the shocked look on Snow's face. "Neal is dead."

"I.. I think so?" I questioned.

Regina looked at me with confusion written on her face. "To which?" she asked.

I sighed again. I guess it was time for me to explain. "Both. You see, when Rumple saw that Neal was dying, he absorbed him, and Zelena..." I trailed off, gulping. "She got a hold of the dagger. Now, she controls him."

Aurora gives Phillip a look of worry. "Maybe, now isn't the time to announce the pregnancy. Regina is right. It's too dangerous."

"I agree," I spoke. "Especially now that she has Rumple..."

Charming patted my back in a comforting manner.

"No," said Snow. I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "If we don't, we give into that fear. But, if we do, we give the kingdom what they need: Hope."

"We don't even know what the wicked witch wants," Charming added.

"Actually," started Aurora. "We do. She wants your baby."

"She came to us when you were gone. Threatened us and our unborn child, unless we told her when you arrived in our land," Phillip explained.

"She thinks your baby could be important," Aurora continued. "I'm so sorry. She said she'd hurt us."

I flinched when I looked above and saw that the wicked witch was flying on her broom, descending upon us. "And I make good on my promises," she said. As Aurora and Phillip back away in fear, I stand in front of them with my horse protectively. Even though I stood in front of them protectively, the witch was still able to harm them. She turned Aurora and Phillip into flying monkeys. The monkeys then flying away from the scene.

"What do you want with our baby?" Snow asked the witch.

"Calm down, sweetie," she replied. "You don't want to go into early labor." Unexpectedly, the witch stunned Snow.

"Snow!" I gasped.

Charming then drew his sword. "Stay away from my wife!" I gulped as she stunned Charming too.

"Oh, someone's testy," she said. "Who's next, oh yeah, Liana, Rumple's little toy," she laughed, stunning me. I tried to move but realized I couldn't.

Regina spoke up distracting her. "Enough, sis," she said. "This is between you and me."

I watched as Regina tried to strangle her with her magic, but she stunned her too. I wanted to wince as Zelena walked up to Snow. "Now, let's see if this was all worth it. Yes. Yes, it was." Zelena touches Snow's stomach. "This child will do quite nicely. So, take good care of it for me. Don't forget to eat well. I will be back for your happy day. And what's yours will be mine."

Zelena laughed, releasing us all from the stun spell and flying away on her little broom.

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