Chapter Twenty-Two

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Rumple's POV|

I was in the antique shop with Emma, my Son Bae, my grandson Henry, Mary Margaret and David. It was Henry's birthday. I lean towards Henry, and say, "And now boy, for your present. Pick one object from this shop. Anything you like."

I watched as Henry looked around the shop for something. As I look at him now, he really looks like Bae when he was younger. My heart melts at the sight.

Henry then stopped. He pointed at one of the wands. I was surprised at his choice. "That," he said. Henry took the wand and started to wave it around.

"Alright, careful buddy!" Said Bae. "Wands are powerful."

Henry then turned to face me. "So, how does this work?"

"Here, let me show you," I said. Henry gave the wand to me. I wave the wand in the air over his head. And something washed over me. I turned Henry into a ceramic statue with the flick of my wrists.

My heart jumped in fear. What had I just done?

"Gold, why would you do that!?" David yelled at me.

It was almost like whatever came out of me wasn't me. "The prophecy," I said. "The seer said the boy would be my undoing. So I have no choice: I must be his."

It was like I couldn't control what I was doing. I take my cane and then shatter the statue that was once Henry.

Then, all of the sudden, I wake up. I feel that I am in my bed, and see that I am in my bedroom at my house in StoryBrooke. I sighed. I was sweating so hard and my breathing sped up. "It was just a nightmare," I told myself. "Just a nightmare. Henry is fine. You didn't do anything to him."


It is later on in the day, and I am now in the park with my son and my grandson. They are both play sword fighting. I then narrow my eyes to see that Regina is coming towards me. I mentally groan. "Seems like we both have been pushed to the sidelines," she said, her arms crossed in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"The real question is what's your son doing with mine?" asked Regina.

"Oh that..." I said, turning to face her. I chuckled silently. "That's right, you didn't get the birth announcement, did you? That's Henry's father."

"What?" Regina questioned.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" At this point I was getting annoyed. "Miss Swan and My son—"

"You're Henry's grandfather?" Regina interrupted.

"Guess that makes us family! He's got my eyes, don't you think?" I then begin to walk away from Regina, leaving her to think.

"You did this!" said Regina, blaming me yet again.

"Trust me dearie," I said. "It was as much as a shock to me as it is to you."

"No!" exclaimed Regina. "You must have known! When I adopted him, it was you who procured him for me. You expect me to believe that it was a coincidence?"

"No," I said. "Not coincidence. Fate. And apparently, fate has a sense of humor."

"Fate," Regina repeated. "So you're playing the part of the loving grandpa now? They won't accept you. No matter what you do. Not your son, not any of them."

"We'll see," I said.

"I've already seen, Gold," said Regina. "I've seen your dark heart and it always wins out. You always choose darkness."

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