Stranger danger

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Knock knock


Bella is the only one who ever knocks so I know I don't have to be too worried about who's coming in. "Ophelia I have someone for you to me-" Bella cuts herself off I know she can tell something happened when her eyes focus on her unconscious friend. Her cheery face turns to pure concern when she breaks the silence "what's wrong with her? Is she okay?"

I don't know what to say I was in the bathroom and she got beaten again. I'm supposed to be the one who protects her but I failed again and again. I didn't know if she will be okay and we are running out of time to try and escape we will be docking soon from what Bella has been told. I break away from the thought when I feel Ophelia's limp body roll over to look at me.

"M-Milo, I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't finish the plan, and we need to tell Bella it today or we will run out of time," Ophelia says weakly barely louder than a whisper.

"It's okay, someone hurt you, Ophelia, do you who did it to you?" I respond desperately to try to find who did this. Even though it's not like I could do anything about it but I would know who I need to protect her from.

Ophelia looks at Bella and asks "who's your friend?" Trying to avoid my question I don't try to push her any further that's when Bella said: "Kegan, this is Ophelia and Milo my best friends, and besties meet Kegan he is a friend of mine who is going to help us out."

"Nice to meet you," I and Ophelia say in sync "oh, Bella if you don't mind can you get me the stuff to give Ophelia stitches the cut on her forehead is pretty deep." Bella nods and asks "how do you know how to give stitches?"

"You're looking at the boy scout of the year five years running," I announce with a smirk

"Wow, such a wilderness expert like you should have no problem getting out of this hell hole of a ship." Everyone laughs except for Kegan who is standing next to Bella with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression.

"Why don't you go get that stuff Bella wail I stay here and get to know Ophelia and Milo better," Kegan says

I don't know how I feel about him I think he might be bad news.

Bella agrees but before she leaves the room she asks "is everything okay? You seem a little off." Kegan shakes his head and Bella exits the room when she leaves the air gets tight and I can feel the tension.

Something doesn't feel right.

"Hey princess why don't you go get cleaned up you need to clean the wounds I'll be there in a second I'm going to talk to Kegan first. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, it's alright babe I need to pee anyway," I give her a passion-filled kiss then she heads to the bathroom.

She knows I can tell she doesn't really say, babe unless we are in an unknowing situation it's kind of like our code word.

When the door shuts Kegan looks at me and says "wow, the way you pretend to love that girl is crazy. You're doing a great job she really believes you."

What does he mean by 'pretend' I truly love that girl more than anything!

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Milo I bet you only use that girl for her looks I mean I would too."

I don't know what to say I'm flabbergasted the only thing I can think to do is punch Kegan as hard as I can in the face. So I do, Kegan grabs his jaw and stubbles back four steps his eyes look hungry like he's wanted to do this for us - to me.

Kegan goes to punch me in the face but at the last second, I go for his waist tackling him to the ground. I then get on top of him and start to punch him as hard as I can. He is struggling, trying to break from my grasp I had no intention of stopping.

When he rolls us over now trying to punch me I start kicking like crazy I bite his arm were both bleeding and out of breath when...


Why is Kegan being so rude to Milo and Ophelia? Did something happen between them? And who hurt Ophelia?

When I get to the first-aid wing I sneak in and take everything I need. As I'm walking under the light of the moon with the ocean breeze when I get a bad feeling. I hurry back to where Ophelia and Milo's room as at I get closer I hear faint rustling.


As I'm in the bathroom halfway done cleaning my cuts out, assessing my ribs,  and putting cold water on my bruises. When I start to hear the shuffling of footsteps then I hear I thud I think that it's Bella so I jump out the sink open the bathroom door and see.


The nerve on this child is astronomical he thinks he can just take Bella away then not expect anyone to do anything about it. She is too kind to people she is literally going on a suicide mission for someone she has only known for what, 15 days.

They are taking advantage of her and she can't even see it her kind, beautiful, braveheart is clogging up her brain. I can't lose her, I won't lose her I've loved her since I came here she is the reason I have stayed in this hell hole. I'm done loving this girl from a distance I have to kill Milo
he and that hoe.


I limp into the other part of our room when I see Kegan squatting over Milo punching him. I and Bella make eye contact when we both gaze upon this horrible scene there is blood everywhere.

Finally, I run over to them with adrenaline pumping I get this ungodly strength and rip Milo from Kegan's grip. Bella runs over to Kegan to check on him then comes and checks on Milo he seems to be in better shape than Kegan.

That's when I get up and get an inch away from Kegan's beat face and say, "what in the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do that? What have we done to you? Other than 'take Bella' I don't even know what you mean by that."

"What take Bella? No one is taking Bella when did he say that?" Bella asks

"Last night when he came to beat me then come and act like a friend!"

"You never told me all that Ophelia, why didn't you?"

"Well, I was but then I saw how happy Bella looked when she walked in with Kegan I couldn't bring myself to ruin it."

"Don't make it sound like you care about her you asked her to do a suicide mission!" Kegan defends

"Shut your disgusting mouth, don't act as you care about her!" Milo says


Don't care about her! Don't care about her! Don't care about her

That's it he's dead a leap up with all my strength and sprint over to Milo then put him in a headlock. I can feel the life drain from Milo and I don't feel an ounce of regret.


Kegan jumps up and puts me in a headlock it's getting harder to breathe by the second. All I can think about is not letting my love watch me die. I feel them trying to get him to let go but he won't then all I see is a bright warm light.

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