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When I finally came back to my senses, I realized what Ms. Leigh just told me. The first thing I could say was "is he dead?" No one really knew so there was a long eerie pause.
Finally one of the officers broke the silence by saying "the whereabouts of where Mr. Leigh is are unknown at this time."

Then after a short pause, he followed up with "if you are willing to come to the station to give us a statement, we think you could help us find Mr.Lei-." he couldn't finish before I cut him off "HIS NAME IS MILO HE HATES BEING CALLED MR. LEIGH" I yell at him. Every time he called him Mr. Leigh it hurt my heart because it was like he wasn't coming back.

The officer looked shocked and said, "I'm sorry if you would like, I can escort you to the station." I shook my head, "yes" and the officer led me to his car. The station was not far from Milo's house. It was about four miles but it felt like four hours.

I couldn't cry, I couldn't talk, I couldn't feel anything. I felt like a little kid lost in a huge mall. All I wanted to do was tell Milo what was going on but I couldn't because he was gone not just gone he was taken.

When we got to the police station, I felt like I was alone. I saw people but no one was there because no one was Milo. We got into the interrogation room and the officer said "another officer will come back and take your statement shortly."

I waited in the room, which was cold. I was wearing black Nike shorts, a black cropped tank top, and flip-flops so I had goosebumps everywhere.

Finally, after what felt like forever, an officer came to take my statement. They started by asking my name, age, how I know Milo, etc. After hours of me telling them everything, I knew they finally let me leave but they confiscated my phone. One of the officers offered to take me home. I nicely declined and started walking home. They told my mom what happened but she was working the night shift at our local emergency room.

I had to pass Milo's house to get home. No matter how hard I tried to fight the urge the next I know I'm inside with Ms.Leigh. We had been in silence for a while, and I broke the silence to break her from her thoughts. "What did you find when you went into his room?" I ask straightforwardly. Milo told me once how he loved that about me that I was honest and straightforward.

Ms. Leigh started with, "It was 10:00 AM. I thought that it was weird that he wasn't up so I went to check on him and saw blood drops in the hallway." she pauses and starts to choke up but continues, "then I opened his door." and "saw his room. It looked like a tornado ran through it. There was my baby's blood all over it was splattered like paint on a canvas but he was nowhere to be found."

I couldn't take any more. I felt like a sail boat in a storm. I just got up and left. I didn't say anything, I just got up and ran. I went to me and Milo's safe place, the beach. I screamed at the top of my lungs into the open ocean hoping that Milo could somehow hear me and said "why milo why did you leave me? I need you. I can't be here without you please please PLEASE be OK" I wanted him to respond and say he was here but all I could hear was the waves crashing on the shore so I went home after a while.

When I got home no one was home so I went to my room and took a nap but was woken up by a loud thump. It was so loud that I jumped out of my bed to see what it was but was surprised to see my dad and brother carrying a groggy and bleeding Milo. Dad had Milo's hands and Jackson had his legs. I yelled "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!"

They both didn't answer they just look at each other. I decided I needed to get help so I jumped off the fourth step from the bottom but as I was about to grab the door handle, I feel something hit the back of my head and it all goes black.

              TO BE CONTINUED


(A/n) sorry that this one is a little shorter than the last one.

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