Screw it

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Jey-Yun's pov (Milo's mom)

What did they uncover? Will this be the time when I go to identify my son? I don't know why but I feel like he's here with me. I miss him so much I don't know what today will bring but I don't know if I can handle it.

Knock knock

I inch my way forward to the front door when I open it to my surprise it's not a police officer. It's my late husband's second-in-command, fire lieutenant Cameron.

"Hello, Jey, how are you holding up?" Cameron asks hugging me. He and my husband had been best friends since they were seven, they went through the academy together, even asked me and his wife to marry them on the same night.

He was like family, he was there for Milo after his father's passing. He doesn't have any kids but he treated Milo as his own.

He pulled me from thought by breaking the hug.

"I'm holding up as good as I can how about yourself?" I give him a sympathetic look I know he misses him just as much as I do.

"I miss him a lot, I went to tell his friends last week, everyone is looking for him including myself."

"Thank you, Cameron, it means a lot."

I look to the side of him and see the police car pulling into the driveway.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go there has been a crack in the case and they are bringing me up to date."

"That's amazing of course go let me know what they found also you don't have to apologize for anything Jey."

I give him a tight-lined smile and grab my green cardigan, black flip-flops, and keys I'm also wearing a black tank top and light-colored jeans.

We say our goodbyes and I lock my house up and head for the police cruiser.


"How long has he been without a pulse," I ask Bella

"Three minutes and four seconds," Kegan says quietly. I hate his guts I just want to scream at him at the top of my lungs till my lungs burn like fire.

"Five to ten minutes and you start to get brain damage that can't be fixed," I say, mom taught me this when I told her I wanted to work in the emergency room. I wonder if my mom is a part of this.

"Pulse check!"

Come on, come on, come on!

Bella lays her middle and pointer finger on his neck.

"I...I-um I did it he has a weak pulse!!!" Bella cries out as she double checks.

"I thought you were about to tell me he killed my boyfriend!" I said whilst lightly slapping her on the arm. I hug her and whisper,"

"Thank you, I'm serious I don't know what I'd do without him," I say starting to tear up.

"I will do everything in my power to make sure you guys will make it out of here alive."

"But why? you could die why would you do that for us? Don't you want a life, I see the way you look at Kegan?" I add a gag when I say Kegans name.

"He means nothing to me now I can't even look at him. He disgusts me after what he did the thought of the pain Milo is in makes me feel like a seasick sailor in the middle of a storm."

I can tell she has feelings for him and I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, I want her to be happy but on the other hand, I want her to be happy with someone else. I feel horrible for feeling this way but in my defense, I just had to watch my boyfriend be revived because he beat the everlasting life out of him.

Kegan's pov

You are such a dick! You mess everything up! You just almost killed an innocent kid! For what? A girl that doesn't even want to be around you?

I run through the empty halls of the cargo ship. Bursting through doors trying to get out. I feel like the walls are going to cave in on me. I need air the pale yellow walls feel like they're sucking all the oxygen up leaving me to suffocate. 

I get to the final door rushing out I feel the cool, salty ocean breeze brush against my fire-hot cheeks. I feel my carbon dioxide-filled lungs Inflate with raw oxygen as I'm running to the edge of the boat.

To my surprise, someone is waiting there for me... Bella? I slow my pace and inch toward the young girl whose long black hair is blowing in the wind.

I stand next to her her face looks blank there are no emotions...but I know she's burning in fury.

"Bella I'm sor-"

"No...Kegan you're not doing this I didn't come here to talk." She declares coldly 

"Then why are you here beautiful?" I whisper confused

Before she says anything she looks at me slowly. Her eyes are black, empty even.

Did you do this to her?

Bella pushes me up against the railing of the boat I don't fight. If I wanted to I could push her off of me in a heartbeat.

"Don't ever call me any of those names again you lost that. My name is Isabella to you."  She says to me coldly as she loosens her grip on me.

She backs away slowly toward the railing again taking a deep breath. "Why did you hurt him?" She asks in a calm yet agitated. I have a mental debate about whether or not I should tell her why I did.

While I'm having an internal debate she rolls her eyes "Nevermind." she whispers and starts to walk away.

No, do something. Tell her how you feel!-
No! This is a good thing she won't get hurt.

"Screw it," I whisper ignoring my conscience and I grab her waist and kiss her.

(a/n thanks bellie for the help:)

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