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I walk through the familiar hallways, desperately trying to map my way through the crowd of people lurking around, not doing anything.

I finally find myself in front of my english class, where I had been attempting to reach for the past five minutes. I sit at one of the seats placed at the last, as I drop my heavy bag onto the ground.

I slump my head in my hands, watching the few students present in the class mingle around, some talk with each other, while some, like me, sit bored out of their minds.

Our teacher finally comes in, and he begins to teach us some poetry for our current semester. With my pencil gripped in my hand I continue to draw doodles on my notebook mindlessly, not paying any sort of attention to what our teacher is saying.


I hear someone whisper from my left. I lift my head from my notebook to look at a boy looking at me. His striking green eyes pierce mine, as I look at his floppy golden hair and his perfectly chiselled jawline. One look at his perfect features and I realise he is new to our school.

"Uh... hi," I whisper back to him.

"Could you give me the pencil near your foot? It fell down from my table," He points to a yellow pencil a few centimetres away from my foot on the ground. I nod at him and bend down, as I pick up the pencil and hand it to him.

"Thank you," He smiles, and I can't help but smile back. I let my hand out for him.

"I'm Aurelia," I say, as he softly grips onto my hand and shakes it.

"I'm Ruel,"

"What date are you coming here again?"

"Just a week away; the 25th," I hear Celestine's voice through my phone which is wedged between my shoulder and ear, my hands being too busy to make myself a sandwich after a busy day at school.

"That's great, I have missed you so much Cel," I say, my sandwich now ready as I take my plate to my room and plop on the bed.

"I missed you too Lia, but don't worry, I'll be there pretty soon,"

Me and Celestine were bestest of friends when she used to live in Perth. She and her parents moved from Perth to Brisbane when we were 12, but now, six years later, Celestine is coming back to Perth and it is an understatement to say I am excited for her to come. Moreover, she and her family will be taking some time to find a house for themselves, so they will be living with us for around a month.

"See you soon Cel, bye," I say, declining the call, after we continue to talk for over 15 minutes. I set my phone and my empty plate aside, just when my pet dog Loki enters my room and begins to jump around while barking. I softly giggle at him before bending down to ruffle his soft brown coat behind his ears.

I look at the clock in my room to see that it is almost 5 pm, which is the time I take Loki out for a walk everyday. I get up from my bed and tie his leash around his neck, before I put on some sneakers and a jacket.

I pop in my earphones and begin to listening to some music, with Loki's leash firm in my hand as he walks quite enthusiastically. We both come out of the house and begin to walk down our fixed path.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, ruel van dijkWhere stories live. Discover now