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I pick my sling bag and hang it on my shoulder, keeping some money in it. I hear my phone ding, so I pick it up from my bed to see what is the notification I got. The text on the screen makes me smile.

Ruel: I'm outside :)

Aurelia: okay I'm coming

I switch off my phone and slide it in my bag. I rush out of my room, down the stairs, wish my parents a good bye and go out of the house, to indeed see Ruel standing on our porch and leaning against a pillar. He seems busy with his phone, but when I open the door, he lifts his head up and walks towards me.

Today me and Ruel decided that I will show him around our city. I have a few of my favorite places in my mind. He greets me with a 'hello' and I do too, before we begin to walk.

"Where are you planning to take me?" He asks, as we walk on the sidewalk. Ruel looks around himself, scanning the different buildings we pass.

"I have a few places that I want to show you," I begin, "but first, we will go to a nearby dumpling place." He lets out a small squeal like a young girl which makes me laugh.

"I'm sorry, I just really love dumplings," He chuckles. I shake my head at him as we both continue walking. The place is only a few minutes away from my house. We reach there and entire inside, deciding to sit on a table for two.

"Allow me, ma'am," Ruel says, pulling a chair out for me. I chuckle and sit down on the chair and he pushes it forward.

"Why thank you, kind sir,"

A waitress provides us with menus and me and Ruel decide to get their best vegeterian dumplings; since I don't eat meat. We tell the waitress our orders and she notes in down and leaves us alone.

"You've been here for some days, how have you been liking Perth?" I ask him, trying to make conversation.

"It's nice, the neighbours have been really kind to us, they even gave us some cake as a house warming gift the day we came. Me and my sisters visited a mall one day, which was fun," He tells me.

"Oh you have sisters," I say. Being an only child, I have always wanted siblings. I know siblings fight a lot, seeing how Celestine and her older brother used to fight all the time when she used to live here, but sometimes siblings are the exact thing you need in your life. "What are they like?"

"I think the appropriate word would be... utter bitches," He says, laughing. I smack his arm as a joke.

"You shouldn't call them that, I'm sure they must be nice,"

"Oh hell no, older sisters can be real pain in the ass. My entire life they have always had me working around as their personal assistant. They are always like 'Ruel get this' or 'Ruel get that'. But one of the biggest perks of being the youngest is that I never get scolded for anything. They get punished, even though it is actually me who fucked it all up,"

"Wow," I say with my eyes wide. "I didn't know it worked like that. I always thought older siblings have all sorts of perks, since they are, you know, old."

"I think it does work like that in some families, but it isn't like that in our house," He takes a sip of water from the glass kept in front of him. "And I absolutely love that."

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, ruel van dijkWhere stories live. Discover now