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Celestine is coming today. She and her family are coming to our house from a cab. I told Ruel about Celestine, and he is also coming over to meet her today.

I hear the banging of car doors closing from outside. I walk outside of my room and go downstairs, to see the door open and my parents hugging Celestine's parents. I run to them, and give all of them a hug.

"Where is Celestine?" I say, after hugging Celestine's brother, Luca.

"She is in the car, fetching some of her stuff," Luca tells me. I nod at him and jog outside, to notice Celestine walking towards our house, with a suitcase in one hand and a hand bag in the other. She hears my footsteps and when her eyes meet mine, she lets out a loud scream. I quickly engulf her into a hug, squeezing her tightly.

"Gosh I missed you so much all these years," she mumbles. I nod against her neck, my arms still snaked around her waist.

"I did too," She pulls away. I get a proper look at her; her red hair now longer, her eyebrows shaped into perfect arches, and her lips plumped to the right amount. She has always been more pretty than me, and now... she looks beautiful than ever.

We both go inside and join the rest of our families for the lunch we have planned for today. The conversations we have are exciting, all of us with adrenaline coursing in our veins after meeting in person after years.

After the lunch, I take Celestine with me upstairs to my room. She will be staying with me for the few weeks her family has to find a house for themselves. We both plop onto my soft bed, laying side by side.

"How has life been?" I simply ask. Even though we remained in contact all this time through regular texts, phone calls and FaceTimes, it is a different experience talking about life with the one you love in person.

"It's been fine," she says. She begins to tell me some things she did back in her old school, with the new friends she made there. "I really missed you though, it feels good to be back here again."

"Tell me about how your life has been," She adds, looking at me.

"Well, it's been nothing special, but these days I have been hanging with a new friend," I tell her. "I am excited for you to meet him. He will be coming today to our house."

"Oh really? Tell me more about him." Celestine prompts me.

So I begin. I tell her how we met, and how we kept on hanging out all this week. I don't even realise how much I speak. I mention how nice and friendly he is. I tell her how I feel so lucky to be able to have a friend like him. I mention every detail I have uncovered about him all in the past week, which isn't a lot of things, but is quite enough for me to want to know more about him.

Through my talk, I hear the doorbell ring outside. I jump off my bed and look from my bedroom window to see Ruel standing in front of our door. I rush downstairs and open the door for him to come in. We both exchange a few greetings before I take him upstairs to meet Celestine.

I open the door of my room to look at Celestine still laying on the bed, while she scrolls through her phone. When she hears the door open she looks up to see me and Ruel standing next to each other.

"Cel, meet Ruel," I say, with a grin on my face. Celestine gets off the bed and walks to Ruel, and stretches out her hand for him.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, ruel van dijkWhere stories live. Discover now