Chapter 7-Retaliation and Unexpected Encounter

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It happened in an instant.

Karman had not even let his guard down.

And yet...

"You must pay for your crime of tarnishing this gift from Lord Rimuru."

By the time the chilly voice reached him, Beretta, who should have been held down by the five Powered Suits, had disappeared.


He frantically searched the area with his sensors, but Beretta was, he was there.


There was a scream and then one of his comrades fell.

It was hard to believe this was happening.

And in the next instant, Karman had to rethink everything.

The air seemed to twist as Beretta appeared.

In front of him, another of his-

"Jogg! Behind you!!"


Karman's scream did not reach him.

Beretta moved faster than the speed of sound itself as his thin arms pierced and shredded the Powered Suit.

Numerous tentacles pulled Jogg out, and the empty Powered Suit crumbled to the ground.

What had happened to the first man?

He now understood.


"What the...he got two of us in a second..."

The two others whispered to each other. Karman felt the same.

However, unlike his men, who were merely shocked, Karman was thinking of a way out of this.

(How did he move like that just now? It was as if space had moved-could it be space teleportation!?)

Moving that fast should cause shock waves.

However, no such thing had occurred.

He had moved faster than sound without affecting the atmosphere-Karman had never heard of such a thing, not even as a rumor.

So then-it couldn't have been movement, but teleportation.

And his thinking was close to the truth.

Beretta's Ultimate Gift, 'Deus Ex Machina's' 'Space Manipulation,' allowed him to change his own position.

It was limited to an area that he could see, but it was the same thing as teleportation.

"What?! Sto-stop!!"

A third man was caught by Beretta now.

Karman saw this and moved.

"Damn it. Don't underestimate me!!"

He had readied his Neutron Launcher after the second man had fallen, and he now fired it without hesitation.

It was possible that he would hit his own men, but he had decided that it was a sacrifice he was willing to make in order to take down the monster that was Beretta.

The neutron beam turned into a missile that shot towards Beretta at the speed of light.

The effect would be the transfer of an immense amount of kinetic energy as a reaction of colliding with the target, turning the target into hot plasma.

-Or it should have.

"Wh-what the... IMPOOSSSIBBLEEE!!"

A phenomenon that was so unreal was occurring before Karman's very eyes.

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