Trip to yongin, south Korea part 4

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Part 4

" Thank you for volunteering Mr.Kim" The teacher sighed in relief, glad the problem was quickly resolved.

Jungkook on the other hand didn't even glance up once to see who had chosen him. I'll just skip out on this, there's no way I am going. He already decided. There was no use, it'd only be a waste of time as he could use the weekend of the trip to study.

"Alright then, everyone find a spot with your partner so that I can write the lest". The teacher ordered. There were suffling of desks as people moved around to sit beside their partners. Taehyung slid his desk next to Jungkook's abruptly, hitting it making it shake from the impact. The boy flinched and finally look up from his page.

"Hi there, is that book interesting?" Taehyung asked the pitch of his voice was oddly deep for his age. Jungkook stared at him blankly,half looking over him half judging. Why'd this guy volunteer? Why was it him out of all people? "You don't talk much, do?" Taehyung leaned his elbow on Jungkook's desk, already earning himself a yellow card.

Jungkook closed his book and clenched his teeth, holding back the urge to rolling his eyes. He was used to that line. "It's not that I don't talk it's that I choose not to ". Taehyung's eyebrow raised up a little from suprise before his lips pulled into a smirk. The reply intruiged him.

Jungkook had finally spoken to him the first time.

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