Heart Throb 3

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The teacher started the timer and everyone pounced, dashing for the finish. But it was over as soon as it started. Though everyone was on par with eachother, one of the runners was much faster then the rest.

Jeon Jungkook reached the finish at 10.3 second. A new school record. Even the teacher was in shock. The was only 3 seconds off from the average but it made a good difference when speed was calculated into formula.

His speed and agility were above average scales and it was exceptionally more impressive since he was a whole year younger then his peers. The rest of the students crossed the line a bit afterward but it comparison to jungkook, it was a wide stretch of a margin. Jungkook walked off the track, barely out of breath as the rest of his classmates watched him in awe. In the distence, the girls were cheering and screaming. Jungkook had just became the new heart Throb of the school.

He sat down at the far end under a tree and watched the rest of the  calss go. The next round in particular caught his eye. One of the five runners was kim Taehyung and though jungkook was never particularly interested in people, he was curious to see how his 'partner' would do. His form isn't that bad he doesn't look out of shape either.

"Go" the teacher exclaimed and they all ran.

It started out fairly good until a shoe suddenly came flying off of someone's (Taehyung's) foot. The shoe landed in one of the lenes and unfortunately, the boy running inside it tripped over  and fell rather hard. Everyone mme made a 'Oooh' sound as the guy face plated.

In the end, taehyung's score wasn't too bad, even with only one shoe on. 13.6 seconds.

The guy in the unlucky lane on the other hand ended up with w
a whopping 17.4 seconds. At that point they all knew who was getting that 40% Even jungkook had to admit that he pitied the guy.

"woah Taehyung! What a great startagy! How'd you come up with that ?" One of the obnoxious guys in the class exclaimed Taehyung put his hands up in defense.

"I swear I didn't do it on perpose, my Shoe was untied and it slipped off by accident." He tried to explain.

"Uh-huh, and mine will too" Another classmate replied, winking.

The next couple of rounds consisted of flying shoes and horrible scores.

But in the end, Jungkook did come out as first, receiving a perfect grade and also praise from the gym teacher. And unknowingly,he had captured the eyes of many girls as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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