Chapter 5.

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When Nunew and Zee sit down at the table everyone looks towards them. He just smiles and then turns to Nat and says " Sorry for not letting you come back to the room for basically the whole day. It took me a little while to open up to Hia Zee ". Nat just smiles back at him. " You seem to be in a better mood now so I'm ok with not being able to go to our room ". He hugs Nat and then turns to look at everyone else. He knows that the group will support him in anything he does. He wants to tell them all now about his past but he doesn't want to explain everything again. Seeing how Zee reacted makes him know that the group will all react the same way as Zee and comfort him. He pushes all the negative thoughts about how they might react away.

" Hey guys " he says as he looks at everyone. They all stop eating and turn to look at him. " If you want to know the full story I am willing to let you all know. When I opened up to Hia Zee is made something in my brain click. I was scared you guys would stop being friends with me ". He looks at the plate in front of him. " The way Hia Zee reacted made me realize that all of you would comfort me instead of push me away ". Looking up he turns to Zee.

" Hia is it ok if you tell them what I told you. I can listen to it but I dont think I can say it myself ". Zee pats him on the head. " Are you positive that you can handle it. He smiles. " Im not positive that I can fully handle it but I know everyone can help comfort me if needed ". Zee nods. Once Zee quietly talks about his past he just listnes to him. However he doesn't look up. Instead he moves the food on his plate around.

Once Zee is done talking its silent for a bit. Taking a shaky breath he looks at everyone who is looking at him both concerned and shocked. He gives them a reassuring smile. " Im doing a lot better now. I am far away from the school and those people. I am also making friends who have shown me so much kindness and accepting me even though its just my first day ". He sees everyone smile as he begins to calm down.

" How about we eat and talk about happy things now. Like sharing what we like to do ". Eveyone nods at what James says. " I'll go first since I suggested it. I like to create outfits and do stuff revolving fashion ". James then turns Net and lightly hits his shoulder. " My turn? Ok well I like to play games with Jimmy and Tommy ". Turning to Jimmy and Tommy they both nod. " Me and Tommy are usually always together playing games ". Nunew smiles while nodding. Turning to look at Zee he smiles. " I like to help produce and direct videos for the theatre club ".
He realizes its his turn and he thinks.
" I like to take photos. I also like to cover songs and post them on YouTube ". They all look at him a little shocked that he has a YouTube channel. He turns to look at Nat. Smiling Nat says " I usually follow Max around or Zee ". He laughs before turning to look at Max. " I like to do sports. I also have to keep an eye on Nat making sure he doesn't hurt himself or get into trouble ". Everyone laughs as Nat pouts.

" Whats your YouTube channel Nunew ". He smiles and says " CwrNew is the name. Theres only a few videos on there ". He hears Jimmy gasp. " You have 11000 subscribers with only 3 videos. Thats awesome man. Congrats ". He smiles when he sees Him play one of his videos. The video he chose is when he did a cover of BTS Truth Untold. It's the last cover he did. " I did that cover a couple days before coming here ". They all look at him. " Your voice is amazing Nunew " says Nat and he smiles. " Thank you ".

They have been talking for little over an hour when he starts to feel tired. " Me and Nunew better head back to our room. We have to set his bed before we sleep ". He smiles at Nat as they both stand up. Turning to look at everyone he gives them a small wave. " Goodnight everyone ". He turns and walks away with Nat to their room. Once they get inside their room him and Nat quickly put a sheet, pillows and blankets on his bed.

" Thank you for helping me set up my bed Nat. Let's get some sleep. Im exhausted ". Nat nods his head before turning their light off. " Do you want the fairy lights to stay on or off ". He yawns and climbs into his bed. " They can stay on I dont really mind ". He hears Nat lay down in bed. It only takes a couple of minutes until him and Nat are both asleep.

Word cout: 856

Short chapter but it's 4:35 am when I wrote this so I am going to try and sleep. Have a goodnight or day wherever you are. Also in case you didn't know what fairy lights are, here is a picture of them.

 Also in case you didn't know what fairy lights are, here is a picture of them

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