chapter 19

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When they get back to the dorm room he sits down on Zee's bed. Zee quietly sits down on the bed next to him. They sit in silence for a while. It nether a comfortable or uncomfortable silence. Its just quiet. " Do you want me to look at your scar to see if anything is
wrong ". Zee quietly asked. He just shakes his head no. " To many people have stared or touched my scars today. Im just exhausted ". Zee rubs his back.
" We can go straight to bed if you want ". He shakes his head again. " I want to take a shower. Can I borrow a towel please ". Zee nods and points to a chair.
" Those are your clothes that Nat brought over ". He gives Zee a small smile before standing up and getting a pair of his pajamas. When he turns around Zee hands him a towel. He thanks him before going into the bathroom. He can tell that the way he is acting is making Zee worried. And to be honest its making him worried as well. He doesn't know why he feels this way. He doesn't know what emotion he feels right now. He hopes that taking a shower can help him relax and feel better.

[Time skip to after Nunews shower]

When he's done with the shower and putting on his bottoms he looks at his chest in the mirror for a little while before he puts his shirt on. He feels upset when seeing the scars still. He knows that it will be a long time for him to be ok but hes still upset. While looking in the mirror he traces an old burn scar. He winces in pain. He now knows its not real and just in his brain. But that doesn't help the pain go away. He hopes that at sone point he will be able to look and feel his scars without feeling any pain or sadness.
When he walks out of the bathroom he puts the dirty towel in a basket before looking at Zee. " You can take a shower now Hia ". Zee gives him a smile before walking up to him. " Will you be ok ". He nods. Zee then leans down a kisses his head before grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom.
He grabs his phone and sits down on the bed. He thinks back to dinner. He thinks about how he was rude to Net. So he decides to text him.
" Hey P'Net, are you up still ". It doesn't take long for him to reply.
" Ya, what's wrong Nunew? Everything ok ".
" Yes, I just wanted to apologize for being rude to you during dinner. You were joking around and I got angry for no reason ".
" Nunew its ok. Can you tell me what I did that upset you ".
" If I tell you, do you promise not to tell anyone. Only Nat and Max know ".
" Of course I wont tell anyone Nunew. Is it about what Nat accidentally told Max before he confessed to him "
" Yes, Nat had asked me on my first day of classes what I had felt about Hia Zee. He said that it seems like I had a crush on him. I didnt think so but the more I thought about it I realized that I do ".
" So when I teased you about liking him you responded with anger cause you were panicked ".
" Yes, I am scared of him finding out ".
" Why are you afraid Nunew. Knowing Zee I can tell that he really likes you Nunew "
" I'm afriad that everything will change. Just like the last time I told someone I had a crush on them "
" Nunew I want you to know that none of us will ever let the past repeat itself here. Everyone would fight whoever tries to hurt you in any way. Especially Zee. This is not really my place to say this. But Zee definitely has a crush on you as well ".
" If he has a crush on me why wouldn't he confess. I feel like everyone can tell I like him ".
" Zee cares for you a lot. He probably knows that you are scared and wants to wait until you confess yourself so he knows you are ready for a
relationship. If you want, when you confess or if you do you can tell him how you're scared".
" Thank you P' for talking with me about this. Im sorry for how I acted during dinner ".
" Nunew you were scared about Zee finding out you like him. Its understandable for you to be upset by me saying that ".
" Goodnight P' ".
" Goodnight Nunew. I suggest you talk with Zee. I'll be here if you need someone to talk with ".
'" I'll think about it P' ".
He turns off his phone. Talking with Net has helped him feel a bit better. Not only has he cleared up what happened at dinner, He has also gotten a little help and advice from Net. With his back against the wall he brings his legs up and holds them close to his chest. He then lays his head down on his knees. He only looks up when he hears his name. When he does, he sees Zee looking at him concerned. As he walks over after shutting the light off. Zee sits down on the bed and pulls him against his chest. " I Can't ignore this any longer. Whats wrong Nunew ". He knows Zee is serious because he didn't call him New like he usually does. Quietly he says. " I just have a lot on my mind ". Zee rubs his back. " Can you tell my whats on your mind. Maybe I can help ". He stays silent for a while. In a quiet voice he says " I can't ". He hears Zee sigh so he continues, still with a quiet voice. " I'm scared, no terrified to ". Zee pulls away and looks at him in the eyes. " Why are you terrified New " Zee says in a confused and gentle tone. He bites his lip anxious. " If I tell you everything changes. If it changes for the bad I ". He looks down at his hands. " I dont know what I would do. I'm scared I'll lose you ". Zee makes him look at him. Zee just looks at him for a while before saying. " You will never lose me. No matter what. I care about you to much for that to happen ". He can feel tears threatening to fall. Part of him is telling him to just confess while the other is telling him all the horrible outcomes that could happen. He backs up a little from Zee. He decides to trust Net rather then argue with both sides of his thoughts. He looks down and with a shaky voice and hands he says, " I-I like you "

Word Count: 1139

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