Chapter 23

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When they get back to the room Zee lays down on the bed. He walks over to the edge of the bed and smiles at him. " Are you tired ". He sees Zee smirk and goes to back away realizing it's a trap but he's to late. Zee pulls him on top of him causing him to let out a small yelp. " Hia! What are you doing ". He tries to get off of him but Zee is to strong. " I wanna know what my baby talked with Nat about ". His face becomes red as he gets flustered from the name. " W-we talked about my cat July. It's the truth ". He makes eye contact with Zee. Clearly not believing the lie. " You aren't going to tell me the truth ". He bites his lip and nods. He feels Zee's hold on to him tighten before quickly switching their positions. Making him let out another yelp. In an almost inaudible whisper he says " So possessive ". He looks to the side not wanting to look at Zee. He feels Zee lean in close to him and whisper into his ear " I am possessive of you. I don't like when you get flustered from something that I don't know of ". His face that just turned back to a normal color is now bright red again. Zee makes him look at him. However flustered by Zee's words he closes his eyes. To embarrassed to look at him. Zee laughs. " What did you guys talk about that you must be so secretive about ". He opens his eyes and finally looks at him. Only then does he realize how close Zee is. He brings his hands up to his face and quietly he says " If I tell you then you can't tell anyone I told you. Especially Nat or Max ". Zee chuckles before saying ok.
With his hands over his face he says " This is so embarrassing, but w-we talked about you and Max. We talked about confessing and how you and Max reacted when we confessed ". He hears Zee chuckle before pulling his hands away from his face. He sees Zee smirk as he cups one of his cheeks leaning in closer. " So I was the reason you were blushing ". He takes a shaky breath and nods. Zee smirks before leaning down and kissing him. The kiss isn't long but it takes his breath away. When Zee pulls away he smiles at him. Pouting he shoves him away. " You're always teasing me and kissing me cause you know I get flustered ". Zee lays down next to him before he pulls him into a hug. " I do those things because I love you ". He turns to look at Zee. " You mean it? Say it again ". Zee laughs before saying " Hia loves New ". He smiles " Again ". Zee leans down a couple inches away from his face. " Hia Zee loves Nunew. Hia loves Nunew most in the whole world ". He gives Zee a quick kiss before moving closer to his chest. He listens to Zee's heartbeat. The calming sound of Zee's heartbeat making him tired. " Sleep if you are tired baby. I'll wake you up when it's dinner time ". He feels Zee kiss his forehead. Smiling he lets himself fall asleep.
He's awoken to the sound of knocking. He sits up when he hears Zee open the door and let someone in. He rubs his eyes before opening them to see who came. It's the doctor. " Hello Nunew. Sorry to awake you ". He looks between the doctor and Zee confused. " I came here because I need to check on something. Last time when I had looked at your scar I took a cotton swab and sent it to the hospital to see if you have an infection ". He backs away from the doctor. He can tell where this is heading and he doesn't like it. Zee walks over to him and grabs his shoulders gently. " I got the sample back and it said your scar was infected. I need to have you come to the nurses office so I can apply the medicine. I came here to talk with you first though because I know how much your scars effect you ". He bites his lip anxiously. " Was the infection apart of why he was so sick ". The doctor nods. " It was the reason you started feeling sick in the start. However a mixture of stress and anxiety had made his body weak ". He takes Zee's hands off of him before standing up. " I need a minute. Me and Hia Zee will meet you at the nurses office ". He gives the doctor a wai before walking to the bathroom and closing it. He hates the way he's feeling. Yes he's scared but that's not the main thing that is effecting him. It's the fact that he feels like no matter where he goes that Nate has a hold on him. He takes off Zee's hoodie as well as his shirt. Taking a shaky breath he looks at himself in the mirror. His eyes scan his chest. Looking at every single scar until the reach the scar that's giving him issues. He brings his hand and touches it. Flinching when he feels pain. His hand then moves and traces the other scars. He looks up at his face in the mirror. He can see the pain hidden behind his eyes. He hears a knock at the door. Quietly he says come in. When the door opens he sees Zee. He quietly goes up to him and hugs him. As soon as he does he feels himself start to tear up. Zee gently hugs him back as if he's afraid to hurt him. Only making him more upset. " Tell me what you're thinking New ". He pulls away from the hug and with a shaky voice he says " I'm upset. It feels like no matter how far or how long it's been Nate still has a death grip on me. Like I can never recover from the past ". He's now crying. " Like every time I get over one thing the next thing happens. I move schools and I'm happy then someone finds out my past. I get sick and have to show people my scars for the first time when I wasn't ready then I'm just about to be completely better from being sick when this stupid scar turns out to be infected. I try to be strong but no matter what I do He's still effecting me ". Zee quickly pulls him into a hug. " Nunew you do not have to be strong. No one that's gone through even a fraction of what you have gone through could be strong. Everything has happened very recently. You are still recovering from it. We all will help you, but it will take time ". Zee pulls away from the hug and wipes away his tears. He just looks down at the ground. Quietly he says " We should go meet the doctor ". Zee grabs his shoulder and squeezes it. " If you ever want to cry or anything like that you can tell me and I will be there to comfort you ". He gives a small smile to let Zee know he's thankful. He grabs his shirt and puts it back on before he puts the hoodie on the bed. He then grabs his phone. Zee offers his hand and he takes it. They walk to the nurses office. One scared the other concerned.

Word Count: 1246

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