Chapter 10

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When Nunew walked into his last class he couldn't explain why but he felt bad being in there. It made him anxious. He knew that thus class would be a bad one. " Excuse me Sir I- ". He couldn't finish what he was saying as the teacher interrupted him. " I know the new student. Find an open seat so I can start class ". He quickly turns around and sees only one spot open. Unfortunately it was next to Emi who was smiling at him. Slolwy he walked over to the seat and sat down next to her. She immediately started whispering to him about rumors she herd. Ones like James and Net are dating. For the entire class she kept whispering to him while he tried to ignore her. However just as the bell rings she says " I also herd a rumor that the new student has a YouTube channel named CwrNew ". He freezes while Emi quickly gets up and leaves while laughing. If she could figure out his channel within one class then what could she figure out in a week. " New student leave the classroom the school day is over ". He packs everything up before quickly making his way out of the classroom. He needs to find his friends. He needs to find Zee. He can feel himself going into another anxiety attack. His hands begin to shake. " New. Over here ". He turns to see Zee and James looking over to him. He walks over to Zee quickly and grabs on to his arm. He feels tears threatening to fall.
" Nunew whats wrong. " James ask.
Zee pulls him into a hug. " James im going to take him somewhere private. I'll text you after ok ". He feels Zee pull him somewhere. He doesn't know where until they stop walking. " Hey New. Can you look at me ". He doesn't look at him. When he feels Zee grab his shoulder he steps away quickly. Hes trying to get his breathing under control. " Emi, s-she found my channel. She found it within one class. She will find them and contact them. He will find out where I am. They are going to hurt me " he says quickly almost inaudible. " Hey its ok. They can't hurt you. If you want we can go tell the staff about her. We can get them to stop her ". He quickly looks at Zee and shakes his head no. " They will tell my mom and she will make me leave. I dont want to leave. Please don't tell them ". He grabs Zee's arm. " I wont ok. I wont do anything that you dont like ok. I wont let anyone near you if you dont want them to be near you ok ". He doesn't want to think about this anymore. Hes afriad she will find out his past and afriad that if his parents find out they will make him leave the school.
He hugs Zee. " Im scared Hia. Everytime my past is mentioned I feel like I cant breathe. Most of the time I end up having anxiety attacks. When that happens I keep thinking that everyone will hurt me even if I know they wont". Zee just listens to him and rubs his head gently. They stay where they are until he is calm enough. Looking up to Zee he hugs him tightly. " Can we go do something together. I want to get my mind off of everything and just be happy ". Zee nods his head. " We can go to my dorm room and watch movies if you want ". He smiles and nods his head. He tightens there hug. Laughing Zee says " You have to stop hugging me if you want to go watch movies ". He pouts. " I dont want to let go ". He feels Zee give him a quick kiss on the head. Which makes his heart beat fast and causes him to blush. " You're so cute Nunew ". He pulls away from the hugs and smiles while holding onto Zee's arm. " Lets go Hia. I want to watch movies with you ". Both him and Zee walk towards his dorm room. Once they get to his room Zee opens the door and has him walk inside. " I dont have a roommate so we don't have to worry about asking a roommate if its ok for you to be here " Zee says as he has him sit down on the bed. He watches Zee as he turns off the lights and turned on the lamp near the bed. He moves closer to the wall so that Zee can sit next to him. Once Zee sits next to him he covers the both of them in a big blanket and turns in the TV. " Is there anything you want to watch New ". He shakes his head no.
" We can watch what you want Hia. Just no horror movies please ". Zee chuckles before putting on one of the spiderman movies. " Lets watch this ". He nods his head before he leans on Zee. Zee responds by pulling him closer and wrapping both his arms around him. The gesture making him happy. He feels happy and safe when Zee is holding him the way he currently is. Not realizing it he begins to focus on the sound of Zee's heartbeat. Eventually he begins to fall asleep and just before he does he hears Zee quietly say, " Rest New, I will wake you up when it's dinner time ". Shortly after he lets sleep consume him.

[5 hour time skip so nunew can sleep]

He is woken up when he hears Zee talking to him in a soft voice. " Nunew, its time to wake up. We need to head to the cafeteria for dinner. Pouting he sits up. " I know you want to sleep more but you barley ate lunch. You need to eat some food ". He rubs his eyes and looks up to Zee who is now standing. Zee grabs his arms before pulling him up.
" You look like a baby nunew ". Zee says while laughing. To tired to say anything he just holds onto Zee's hand while they walk to the cafeteria. It takes them a little longer to walk there because he is slowly walking. Once they get there he sits down while Zee went to go get food. From the corner of his eye he can see Nat looking at him. " Did you just wake up from a nap or something ". He nods his head. " I was watching a movie with Hia but I fell asleep at some point ". Nat smiles. " Did you think about what I said earlier ". He nods his head. " Still not sure. Lets talk about this later ". Nat nods. Not to longer after he and nat talked Zee and Max return together. Zee puts a plate in front of him. " I got you some food. Now eat New ok ". He nods and picks up the fork before beginning to slowly eat. Eventually everyone is at their table again. " Nunew how are you feeling. You doing better " James asked a little worried. He smiles at James. " Im doing ok. Sorry for worrying you. I have my last class with Emi and I have to sit with her. She kept talking about rumors and when the bell rung she said she found my channel. It freaked me out by how fast she found it ". Nat quickly turns and looks at him. " If she does something again let me know. I will make sure she wont ever talk to you again ". He says as he holds up a fist. Which causes him to laugh. " I dont think we should use violence to solve this Nat " he says while laughing. He then looks at James and Net as he remembers what Emi had said about them. " Why are you looking at us like that Nunew ". He smiles before turning to Nat. " Hey Nat. You said that she knows everything about everyone
right ". He nods confused but Nunew just turns to Net and James and laughs.
" You look like you are planning something Nunew and its scary ". He shakes his head. " She just told me something that I think could be true based off of my own observations ". Nat laughs. " I think I know what you are talking about and I agree with you. I think its true ". He turns to Nat and they give each other a high five. " Those two are scary when together. They know what the other is thinking. They don't even have to look at each other
to know ". Tommy says which makes the two laugh. " If you really want to know. She said that there's rumors about Net and James dating ". He looks at Net and James while everyone else is laughing. James and Net are both blushing. So he continues. " Based off of how I've seen you both flirting with eachother everytime I see you guys. I think its true. If not then you both are completely oblivious ". Everyone laughs again while Net points a finger at him. " Just you wait Nunew ". He hides behind Zee. " Go ahead and try. Zee said he will protect me. Also if you mess with me you mess with Nat ". He sticks his tongue out towards Net. Zee laughs. " Once again you prove you are just as
naughty as Nat ". Max says. " Thats why we are perfect friends " Nat says before turning to him. " By the way. Have you finished the video you were working on yesterday ". He gets excited. " I did! Its ready to post! Here you guys listen ". He pulls his phone out and give it to Nat who presses play. They all listen and smile. Once its finished Nat hands him his phone back. " Thats awesome Nunew! You know who should listen to the lyrics Nunew ". Nat smirks at him which causes him to smirk as well.
" I swear you two. Do not say it ".
He laughs. " Even if we don't say it, its obvious ". Net stands up like he's going to chase them. He hides behind Zee once again. " Sorry Net, I did in fact promise to protect him. And I dont break promises ". Net turns his attention to Nat. " I'll protect Nat. Since Zee is protecting me I can focus on protecting Nat ". Nat sticks his tongue out at Net who just sits down defeated. " Damn Net. You got teased by both Nat and Nunew " Jimmy says laughing.
The rest of dinner is spent joking around. After dinner they all split and head to their own dorm rooms.

Word count: 1756

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